Jobious is a web-based internship and job review service specifically designed for MIT students that combines aspects of both MIT's CareerBridge and InfiniteConnection.
Common tasks that a user may perform after logging in are:
- Reviewing positions you have held
- Browsing for internship positions recommended to you based on your preferences
- Marking certain positions as your favorites for later review
- Sending messages to other users to request additional information about positions they have held.
While participating in this study you should assume that you have previously created an account on the site and are already logged in.
Scenario Tasks
Task Name Number | Text Prompt |
Task 1 | Favorite a job that is recommended for you. |
Task 2 | Read a 5-star review of one of your recommended tasks and contact the user that wrote it. |
Task 3 | Post a review about the position you held last summer. |
Task 4 | Post a review about the worst interview process you have experienced. |
Task 5 | Find out what positions John Curtice has held. |
6 | Unfavorite something. |
7 | View jobs that pay "a lot". |
Prototype V1.0 Observations
User 1
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 |
4 |
5 |
6 | Decide you don't like something you marked as a Favorite and unfavorite it. |
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
User 6
Performed as expected. |
User 2
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 |
2 |
5 | Performed as expected. |
7 |
General Comments
- After the study she as asked, "What the main purpose of your website?" We responded "To post reviews, read reviews of positions and contact others about positions." She replied "I didn't get that without your explanation. You should make it clearer on the site."
- " The emblematic design isn't really working for me. The logo for hours isn't consistent. It should be otherwise what it is representing is not easy to understand."
User 3
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 | As expected, but asked "Is this the favorite button?" before clicking it. |
3 | NOTE: We performed this function incorrectly and handed the user the advanced search screen as opposed to the review screen.
5 | As expected. |
6 |
7 |
General Comments
- "Why can't I apply to jobs on this site?"
- While this is not the primary goal of the website,it is obvious that people will think that a job website should allow for people to apply to jobs. Perhaps this is something we should consider, however, at this time it is not one of the main goals.
Prototype V2.0
Recommended/Favorites Screen
Change in Graphs
The idea of the line graph was a poor one as we have discrete data to plot. We are now plotting the data in a line graph.
The star emblem between favoriting and overall ranking seemed to be confusing we decided to give numerical rankings to the graphs with a textual label of "Overall Ranking".
When you unfavorite something, it immediately disappears from the Favorites page.
Change in behavior on clicking on a position
Before this caused a dropdown of the reviews posted to this job, however this was deemed as too cluttered, particularly if there were multiple open. Instead if they click on the posting it causes an accordion to appear that displays bar graphs of Pay, Hours and Difficulty with a link to see reviews. There is also a link to view additional information that takes the user to the position screen that shows the textual component of the reviews in addition to the criteria of
Post Review Screen
We added Position Type fields to the top of the form. Position Type allows the users to select between a review of a full-time position and an internship position. There are now two divisions to this form: Interview Process and Position. Interview process is compressed initially(until click) and hides the rating fields: Number of Interviews, Technical versus Behavioral, Stress Level, Difficulty and Super Day.
Messages Screen
The messages screen seemed pretty spot on with what we expected. We did not make any changes to this screen.
Advanced Search
Advanced search no longer is on the sidebar. Instead it is moved "Google-style" next to the search box. Unlike Google, if you click on it an accordion drops down that allows for refining the search results for both the interview process(initially hidden in an accordion) and the position itself.
Differences to the range search, we now provide one bar per criteria(Overall, Hours, Pay and Difficulty) with two control handles that start at the extremes of the range. These handles are draggable such that the highlighted region is only the region between the two handles. If the upper bound handle is dragged to a value lower than the minimum bound(or vice versa), then the maximum and minimum move as one point.
Search Bar
We now provide suggested search completions based on what the user enters that will display in a list directly below the search bar. By selecting the one of the items in the list it will return the results of that search.
When used in conjunction with advanced search, the dropdown covers the advanced search accordion box as though it is a regular page element as it is unlikely someone will by typing and filling out that data at the same time.
Profile View
We did not construct enough test cases to effectively understand behaviors on the Profile screen(as it is not the focus of our application), but it did not cause any distress so it was left in its V1.0 state.
Prototype V2.0 Observations
User 4
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 | As expected. |
4 |
5 |
6 | Performed as expected. |
User 5
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 | Performed as expected. |
4 |
5 |
7 |
User 6
Task Given | Unexpected Responses |
1 | "Is favoriting the same as starring on Gmail?" |
3 |
5 | Performed as expected. |
7 |