- Xiaoji Chen
- Moni Gallegos
- Tamika Tannis
- TA: (TA's name)Mason Tang
Problem Statement
Our website will be tailored specifically to MIT students.
Students at MIT are busy people whom are often preoccupied with class, lab, assignments, and deadlines. Oftentimes, students will only know they are free the moment they actually are free. Because they are students, this can happen randomly and at any time of the day, for varying durations. These moments of free time are key opportunities for students to satisfy their social needs, and are often when students seek friends to hang out with.
The way the system is now, students have to have a vague idea about the friends they can meet up with during the day. When they are free they might text or email their friends randomly and wait for replies to get an idea of what their friends are doing. If the friends they texted are in class or are busy, the delay for an “I am not available” response can be time consuming. More often then not, the factors will not align, and students have to give up on their search. The only environments that are easy for students to find their friends, are the ones that provide quicker feedback, such as a dorm or living group. In these cases, students only have to wander the halls to see if any of their friends are around.
The goal of our website will be to optimize the friend finding process by making it a fast and easy step that requires very little coordination. By allowing users to see where their available friends are on campus, and what they are up to, our website will enable students to make plans with their friends efficiently and with greater success.