[aka Define, Analysis, Business Justification, Assessment, Scoping. Put project structure together, identify the problem, draw up a charter, identify the CTQ/KPIs, etc.]
[aka Discover, Measure, Analysis. Document the requirements, identify the “what”, perform process mapping, etc.]
[secure external resources (optional)]
[aka Analysis. Document the functional specifications, come up with the “how”, perform conceptual and data modelling, etc.]
[aka Build, Improve. Code and test, CIT, SIT, etc.]
[aka QA. UAT, disaster recovery, business continuity, etc.]
[aka Launch, Implementation.]
[aka Control, Support. Perform ongoing maintenance of the system until it is sunsetted.]
- take out ownership for Phase I - focus on tasks and phases
- Phase II would be to add purpose of tasks, risks and roles
- Phase III would be to collapse some of the columns - consider whether complexity model should be S, M, L for starters
- table presentation of material (tool we will use) until after decision matrix (complexity model) is complete and task lists in more final form
- want the ability to look at just one size project or just one phase as opposed to everything at once
Notes from today's meeting: PMBAMtgNotes011111.docx
Next steps:
- members review the task list and focus on what tasks are missing and should be incorporated
- email the group with enhancements and additions
- group will pick this up again for February 1, 2011 meeting