Background Color |
| Approving Grades in the Gradebook |
Once a Gradebook grade is approved, it is displayed in the student's Grade Report. Note: For assignments imported into the Gradebook from Homework, the approval takes precedence over the assignment's posting date. To approve grades in the Gradebook: - Click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook. (Click Gradebook in the navigation bar to open the Gradebook.)
- Click the Title of the assignment for which you are approving grades.
The Grade Summary/Assignment page is displayed. - Click Approve for each grade to approve.
To approve all grades, click Approve All - Save Changes
Stellar records the approver's username and date and time of the approval in the grade's history. Info |
| - If an 'X' is entered into a grade field, that grade is ignored and is not counted towards the final grade.
- Grades can be 'cleared' by removing the grade and hitting update.
- Null grades cannot be approved
- Null grades are treated as "not yet entered" in the dashboard and will cause any assignment that contains one to appear in the first column of the dashboard.
- Null grades will appear as 'cleared' in the grade history.
Note |
In order for students to view their approved grades Actual and Original/ Makeup grades box must be checked in the Configure page of the Gradebook, which are by default, displayed to students Image Added
You may also approve grades via spreadsheet and then import them into the gradebook.
Wiki Markup |
h2. Approving Grades in the Gradebook {bgcolor}
Once a [Gradebook|Using the Gradebook] grade is approved, it is displayed in the student's [Grade Report|Previewing the Sample Grade Report].
*Note:* For assignments imported into the Gradebook from Homework, the approval takes precedence over the assignment's posting date.
*To approve grades in the Gradebook:*
# Click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook. (Click Gradebook in the navigation bar to open the Gradebook.)
# Click the Title of the assignment for which you are approving grades.
The [Grade Summary/Assignment page|Grade Summary Assignment Page] is displayed.
# Click Approve for each grade to approve.
To approve all grades, click Approve All
# Save Changes
Stellar records the approver's username and date and time of the approval in the grade's history. {info:title=NOTE}
* If an 'X' is entered into a grade field, that grade is ignored and is not counted towards the final grade.
* Grades can be 'cleared' by removing the grade and hitting update.
** Null grades cannot be approved
** Null grades are treated as "not yet entered" in the dashboard and will cause any assignment that contains one to appear in the first column of the dashboard.
** Null grades will appear as 'cleared' in the grade history.{info}\\ {note}
In order for students to view their approved grades *Actual and Original/ Makeup* grades box must be checked in the *Configure* page of the Gradebook, which are by default, displayed to students
!student grade display pic.jpg|border=1!
*You may also approve grades via spreadsheet and then import them into the gradebook.*
* Export your grades into an excel spreadsheet. Steps to do this are located at [Exporting Student Grade Information].
* To approve an individual's grade, go to the "Approved" column for that student and change the value from FALSE (unapproved) to TRUE (approved).
* Once you have completed approving grades, import your spreadsheet back in the gradebook.
* Any grades you have approved should automatically have the Grade Status of "Grade Approved".
- Export your grades into an excel spreadsheet. Steps to do this are located at Exporting Student Grade Information.
- To approve an individual's grade, go to the "Approved" column for that student and change the value from FALSE (unapproved) to TRUE (approved).
- Once you have completed approving grades, import your spreadsheet back in the gradebook.
- Any grades you have approved should automatically have the Grade Status of "Grade Approved".