Simulates impact of emission reductions resulting from decreases in deforestation and increased carbon sequestration resulting from aforestation (planting of trees on land where forests formerly existed).
Input variables
- Parameter value of 1 assumes continued constant future emissions from deforesation of 1.5 billion tons of carbon per year
- Parameter value of 0 assumes 90% reduction in deforestation by 2050, to 0.15 billion tons of carbon per year
- Parameter value of 1 assumes, under the BAU scenario, increased sequestration resulting from aforestation of 1.3 billion tons of carbon in 2030, decreasing to 0.7 tons of carbon in 2100
- Parameter value of 0 assumes no increased sequestration resulting from aforestation
Key assumptions
- Parameter value of 1 based on continuation of BAU levels of deforestation
- Parameter value of 0 based on nearly complete eradication of land use practices that result in deforestation (90% reduction)
- Paramter value of 0 based on no increase in tree planting
- Parameter value of 1 based on achieving maximum level of aforestation projected as being feasible by the IPCC
Output variables
- Future emissions from deforesation (feeds into Carbon cycle module)
- Future sequestration from aforesation (feeds into Carbon cycle module)