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The length of time it takes for a repeating motion to return to the same place

. Such motion is commonly called, for obvious reasons, periodic motion, and the period is represented by the symbol T. The term is wideky used in mechanics to refer to the time it takes a simple harmonic oscillator to execute one full oscillation.For a freely oscillating system, the natural period is related to the natural frequency ν or ω by:

Wiki Markup
{excerpt} The length of time it takes for a repeating motion to return to the same place{excerpt}. Such motion is commonly called, for obvious reasons, [periodic motion], and the period is represented by the symbol *T*. The term is wideky used in mechanics to refer to the time it takes a [simple harmonic oscillator] to execute one full oscillation.For a freely oscillating system, the natural *period* is related to the [natural frequency] {*}ν{*} or {*}ω{*} by:
{latex}\begin{large} \[ T = \frac{1}{\nu} = \frac{2 \pi}{\omega} \]\end{large}{latex}