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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

RISG Minutes
June 17, 2009                                    



PRESENT:  Remlee Green (chair), Barbara Williams, Lisa Horowitz, Peter Cohn, Maggie Bartley (recorder)


--Lisa briefly reviewed the status of work by the Documentation Subgroup of ISG to develop a web-based infrastructure for the navigation and content of service desk point and operations procedures.  Now that a template for the structure (both wiki and html) of the documentation has been drafted, groups associated with the categories of content will need to work on populating their respective sections.  Content has in general already been writtenexists; in the next phase, decisions about confirming and revising how the content should be organized and presented within each section are required.  Lisa proposed that RISG should form a subgroup to work on the Reference section and asked the group to keep the request in mind when a call goes out for volunteers.

--Remlee reminded the group that UIG is offering a preview of the mockup for the new library homepage on June 23, 3-4 pm in the DIRC.

--Lisa Remlee reminded the group that the Service Vision Statement has been forwarded to PSLG.  RISG or its heir will use the Service Vision Statement to guide the development of future services. 


--Peter reminded the group that he had sent out a call to all-lib to report 2008-09 instruction statistics by June 30.  Reports are coming in, but it appears that there is a fair volume of events still to be reported.  The group agreed that personal reminders within units would be more effective than sending another general announcement.   Other tasks related to the year end collection and reporting of instruction statistics were discussed.  When instruction statistics are deemed complete for the year, Peter will save the file and store it on the R-drive.  Maggie will check with Angie about sending a data file to Steve. 

MEMBERSHIP FOR THE NEXT FYMembership for the Next Fiscal Year

The group reviewed the current membership.   It is not clear that a change in membership is required at this point because of the way terms are staggered.  Remlee proposed that instead of adding new members to the existing 12-member group, new people be invited to participate in the work of RISG subgroups and projects. This would allow RISG to take advantage of fresh ideas in its work without increasing its size.


The group reviewed and updated RISG's "to-do" list.  This information will help Remlee in drafting the annual committee self-review report.  RISG's current project list, with names of project owners, follow-up assignments and time projections may be viewed at + and + Future + Agenda + Items.  Remlee promised to send the self-review draft for comments by July 1.  The completed review must be submitted to Steve by July 15, 2009.