- Anthea Coster - MIT - ajc@haystack.mit.edu
- Craig Heinselman - Univ. of Alaska - cjheinselman@alaska.edu
- Josh Semeter - Boston University - jls@bu.edu
- Katherine Cariglia - MIT -
- edu
- Roger Varney - UCLA - rvarney@atmos.ucla.edu
- Asti Bhatt - SRI - asti.bhatt@sri.com
- Phil Erickson - MIT - pje@mit.edu
- Pablo Reyes - SRI - pablo.reyes@sri.com
Video introductions to the various ISR facilities
- Notebooks
- IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger based on Kudeki/Milla paper
- visuamisr python toolkit, AMISR Matlab toolkit, AMISR IDL toolkit
Please fill
2024 ISR Summer School Evaluation
Pictures ISR Summer School
(courtesy of Craig Heinselman)
pictures (courtesy of Asti Bhatt)
pictures (courtesy of Phil Erickson)
AMISR Experiment Design
ISR Summer School
2024 Experiment request
Uncalibrated RISR-N Jul23-24, 2024 data link
AMISR schedule of actual operations
PFISR beam positions
PFISR real time data display
SWPC web page
2024 Student Groups
Past years ISR school wiki pages
MIT small radar site
2024 NSF ISR Photo release
Digisonde Data Base (choose PF765 for Poker) link
Date | Time | Topic for Exercises | Instructor | Videos |
SlidesSunday July 166:30 PM | Dinner/Get-together | 1722 | 7:30 AM | Breakfast |
| 8:30 AM | Introduction of participants | All |
| Computer needs and other logistics |
Pablo ReyesBill Rideout/Katherine Cariglia |
| Group Assignments |
| 9:15 AM | Introduction to the Ionosphere | Roger Varney | To make | IntroToIonosphere.pdf |
| 10:00 AM | Break |
| 10:15 AM | ISR as a black box | Bill Rideout |
ISR as a black boxAnthea CosterPart_1_IntroToRadar.pdf
Hard target example
| 12:00 PM | Lunch |
| 1:00 PM | NSF Facilities Lecture | Roman Makarevich |
12:00 PM | Lunch2023Bill Rideout Katherine Cariglia/Pablo Reyes |
Madrigal_isr_workshop_2023.pdfRoger Varney
ISR Theory |
| Group work on ISR Examples |
| Groups present ISR Examples |
| 4:30 PM |
Basics of Phased ArraysphasedArraysStatistical Signal Processing | Roger Varney |
Phased Arrays | Statiscal Signal Processing + | Experiment design | Asti Bhatt |
/ Roger BarneyradarStats2.pdf
__designDinner 1800 00 Leave for Poker Flat | 9:00 AM | Poker Flat tour | Statistical Signal Processing | Roger Varney/Josh Semeter |
| radarStats3.pdf |
| 9:30 AM | ISR Theory | Phil Erickson |
| IS_Theory_2024.pdf |
| 10:30 AM | Break |
| 11:00 AM | High-latitude Science | Asti Bhatt/Toshi Nishimura |
| 12:00 PM | Lunch |
at Poker Flat30 00 PM | Deadline to submit experiments |
4:00 PM | Travel back to University:00 PMDinner | 6:00 PM | Student Time Block 1 (2 hrs) |
| All instructors attend Block 1 |
| 7:00 PM | Student Time Block 2 (2 hrs) |
| 9:00 PM | Student Time Block 3 (2 hrs) |
Wednesday July |
1974:00 AM | Student time block 4 (2 hrs) |
8:30-9:30 AM | Breakfast | 9:
| 6:00 AM | Student time block 5 (2 hrs) |
11Statistical Signal Processing | Roger Varney | Statistical Signal Processing | radarStats3.pdf | 11:30 AM | ISR Theory | Phil Erickson | ISR Theory | IS_Theory_2023.pdf is_spectral_shape_group_exercises.pdf | Breakfast |
| 9:30 AM | Leave for Haystack/Millstone Hill |
| 11:00 AM | Arrive at Millstone |
| 11:00 AM | Introduction to Haystack | Phil Erickson |
| 12:00 PM | Lunch at Haystack |
| 1:00 PM | Space Weather | Anthea Coster |
12:30 PM | Lunch | 1:30 PM | NSF facilities lecture | Roman MakarevichStart Group Work6
| 4:30 PM | Leave for Lake House |
| 4:45-8:00 PM | Lake House Dinner |
| 8:00 PM | Return to Boston |
Thursday July |
20910 AMBreak | 10:45 AM | Open Question and Answer | 12:00 Lunch1:00 PM | Auroral Science lecture | Don Hampton | 1:45 PM | Group work | 6:30 PM | Dinner | 7:30 PM | (MIT Open Course) 2126 | 7:30 AM | Breakfast |
| 8:30 AM |
Advanced Eiscat- Phase Special topic lecture | Jintai LiDinner1:00 PM