"That's definitely a pro. Who has a con?"
"We've listed a lot of cons; what are the pros?"
"What other ideas does anyone have about (the specific issue)?"
"What do we know from past experience that can help us right now?"
"What else contributed to the problem?"
"Why?" (asked five times)"
"Can we come up with any other options?"
"Any analogies come to mind here?"
"What's on the agenda?"
"Who'll facilitate today? Who will record? Take notes? Be timekeeper?"
"What's our next step?"
"Let's sum up:....."
"What would someone not familiar with our discussion say right now?"
"That's a good idea. Let's put it on our list for later."
"What additional information do we need to make a decision?"
"Is there anything I can do to come to the meeting more prepared?"
Other transitions in a team meeting that move the conversation
Note that not all contributions take the form of such comments or questions—you can also shape and guide your team's meeting process by introducing a transition that helps you to break out of a rut, stalemate, or other difficult situation (or to slow down a group that's converging too quickly).