Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


GET          nodes          gets the top level nodes
input: none
output: xml representations for a list of top level nodes

Wiki MarkupGET          GET          nodes/node/\[node id\]          get all the child nodes under the parent node specified by id input: none output: xml representations for a list of nodes under the specified parent ]          get all the child nodes under the parent node specified by id
input: none
output: xml representations for a list of nodes under the specified parent node

POST          nodes          searches for nodes
input: xml representations for search criteria
output: xml representations for a list of nodes match the search criteria

Wiki Markup
GET          node/\[node id\]          gets the node specified by the node id
input: none
output: xml representations for the specified node

GET          node/[node id]          gets the node specified by the node id
input: none
output: xml representations for the specified node

GET          node/[node id]/content          get the content of the specified node (it should be an atom node)
input: none
output: url of the content or the content Wiki MarkupGET          node/\[node id\]/content          get the content of the specified node (it should be an atom node) input: none \\ output: url of the content or the content itself

POST          node             create a new node
input: xml representation of the node
output: xml representation of the node with the newly created node id 

Wiki Markup
POST          node/\[node id\]/content        save the content of the specified node (it should be an atom node)
input: multi-part content
output: status of the operation

Wiki Markup
DELETE          node/\[node id\]   deletes the node specified by the node id
input: none
output: status of the operation

POST node/[node id]/move
POST node/[node id]/copy
move or copy a node
input: xml representation of the new parent node
output: status of the operation

POST          node/[node id]/content        save the content of the specified node (it should be an atom node)
input: multi-part content
output: status of the operation

DELETE          node/[node id]   deletes the node specified by the node id
input: none
output: status of the operation

PUT          node/[node id]          modifies the node specified by the node id
input: xml representation of the node
output: status of the operation


Stellars needs child nodes to be ordered. The ordering info should be in the input xml when creating a node. After node creation, will Stellar need a way to change the order of a node?

Does Stellar do tagging or any kind of classfication?

Since we are not sure if we will use the api to do authentication or authorization as well as user/group management, the draft doesn't cover those functionalities. Stellar will authenticate to the REST api using application certs. Once authenticated, the api will run as an admin user to Alfresco. Wiki MarkupPUT          node/\[node id\]          modifies the node specified by the node id input: xml representation of the node output: status of the operation