For the downloadable slideshow feature to work, all servers that run the IME must also have the OpenLaszlo 4.0.2 servlet installed.
1. Get the 4.0.2 version going to Choose the Servlet for 4.0.2.
2. Can be installed via tomcat manager
3. LPS_HOME must be set as an environment variable, so that the compiler can run. LPS_HOME should be set to the directory where the servlet was installed, e.g. /home/apache-5.5.23/webapps/openlaszlo-4.0.2-servlet
4. For some reason, the compiler script (a file called lzc) is not executable when installed. It needs to be made executable by going into $LPS_HOME/WEB-INF/lps/server/bin and chmod 755 lzc.
5. The call to the compiler comes from create_slideshow.jsp, which is checked in to the webapp dir of the ime. It requires that there be source .lzx files in a directory called downloadable_slideshow in the webapps directory. These files are copied in by the maven script when a full release is done, assuming the following switches are used:
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-Dincludeui=true -Duipath=<path-to-ui-source-trunk/branch> |
6. Here is a list of the files that should be in the folder downloadable_slideshow:
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downloadable_slideshow.lzx classes/icon.lzx classes/matrixview/matrixitem.lzx classes/matrixview/slide.lzx classes/matrixview/slide_dropspot.lzx classes/proportionalimage.lzx classes/thaliacolorpicker.lzx data/context_data.lzx includes/slideshow/ss_player.lzx includes/slideshow_resources.lzx resources/generic_thumbnails/* resources/slideshow/slide_drop_spot.jpg resources/slideshow/viewer/* |
7. Currently, create_slideshow.jsp writes to System.out, not the thalia.log. So, to check errors, look in tomcat/logs/catalina.out. Errors are likely to be one of the 3 things:
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lzc compiler was not executable, in which case you'll see a 'permission denied' errorLPS_HOME not setSome of the required .lzx source files are missing -- it will say in the error what source file is missing. |