For more information on Categories also see Gradebook Settings and Grading and Weighting.
Categories are used to organize and weight groups of assignments. You can use categories to group and weight assignments. You can access On the Categories page in Settings, you will see a list of all existing Categories and their details, as well as be able to create a new category.from Gradebook Settings. With categories, you can:
- See grade average per category based on approved grades.
- Filter student detail or assignment list by category.
- Set category weights for the calculation of cumulative grades.
- Weight - The weight of the category. See Grading and Weighting for more information on category weights and grade calculations.
Grading Scheme- How the category average will be displayed.- Numeric - Category average will be displayed as a percent (ex. 95%)
- Letter - Category average will be displayed as a letter grade (ex. A+)
Assignment Weights - How assignments within the category will be weighted.
- Equal Weight - All assignments within the category are weighted the same (default of 1).
- Manually Set - Each assignment is assigned a weight during the assignment creation process.
- Drop Lowest Grade - The assignment with the lowest grade will not be counted in grade calculations
- You can add a category using the Add Category button.
- You can edit the details of any category using the Edit Categories button.
- You can delete any category by clicking Edit Categories and then clicking the X icon next to the category you wish to delete. Note that if there are assignments in this category, you will be prompted to select whether to move these assignments to Uncategorized, or to delete the assignments along with the category.
Note |
Uncategorized is the default category. Its Its default weight is 1. Its details can be edited like any other category, but it cannot be deleted. If you do not want to use the Uncategorized category, please create other categories and make sure to move any existing assignments to the correct categories (this can be done via Edit Assignment). |
Category Weighting
For information on how category and assignment weights work together, see: Grading and Weighting.
Category weighting, similarly to assignment weighting, determines what value a category of assignments has in relation to other categories. Category weights are similar in function to assignment weights; the higher the weight of a category, the greater worth the assignments in that category have, collectively, towards a student's cumulative grade.
Note |
Total Weights Similar to assignment weights, the total category weight also does not need to equal 100. Cumulative grades will always be calculated as a percentage of the total category weight. |
Category Table
The category table can be accessed on the Assignments page by clicking the button.
The category table displays information regarding each category, including it's Weight, Number of Assignments and Average Grade.