- Propose the question ("Does Alice dance club level, and do we want to member her?")
- Specify a final deadline for voting ("Please respond by Sunday"), which should be at least a couple days out (three days, say). If the sponsor doesn't include a time frame, the chair (President/VP) should specify one. If the sponsor does include a time frame, the chair should confirm that it's reasonable.
- If a faster resolution is desired, in addition to a final deadline, include a preferred deadline. This should still be at least a day out except in severely time-constrained circumstances.
- If the there are objections, this was actually a controversial vote (your white ballot failed). See below.
- Objections by non-EC members with a reasonable justification, that might plausibly sway an EC member, qualify as objections.
- Just about any objection / "no" vote by an EC member also qualifies.
- Once the final deadline is reached, if a quorum of EC members have replied in favor and nobody has objected, then the motion passes.
- Once the preferred deadline has passed, if all EC members have replied and there have been no objections, then the motion passes.