The commercial success of Gore's film is quite apparent-it has become the fourth - highest grossing documentary in history (FlanaganWray, 2006) and earned two Oscars at the 2006 Academy Awards (Koeppel, 2007). Even more impressive is that the film earned half of its gross outside the United States (boxofficemojo.com). This success proves that there are many more people in the world now who have a clear idea of the devastating effects that global warning will have on our planet and perhaps more motivation to do something about mitigating those effects. It also suggests that there is an appetite among the public for information about what is happening to our planet. If we appeal to that appetite by presenting the facts of a global issue in a format that is interesting, entertaining, and easily accessible, we can reach a wide audience with our message, both domestically and abroad.
An inconvenient truth. (2007). Retrieved 11/9/2007, 2007, from http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=inconvenienttruth.htm
Koeppel, P. (2007). The marketing of an inconvenient truth. Ezine, 11/9/2007.