Ran digests of pEXPR_hEF1a: PirB 1R and 3C were strangely cloudy: HyperLadder1, 1R, 1C, 2R, 2C, 3R, 3C, Supercoiled Ladder, Supercoiled Ladder.
pEXRP_hEF1a:PirB 2 seems to give the correct band pattern,
but the bands are slightly lower than they should be.
(Will upload imager picture later)
- Ran extraction gel for PCR products: HL1. LY65, LT67, LY68, LT70, PY, PT
Turns out the gel was upside down, so all the products diffused. Need to do all the PCR's again
- Cofilin plasmid miniprepped. Concentrations ~600ng/ul
- Re-did PirB PCR's, Did Cofilin PCR. LilrB2 PCR's need to be redone
- Current cell glycerol stocks: pENTR_PirB (verified), pENTR_LilrB2 (verified), pEXPR_hEF1a:LilrB2 (verified), pEXPR_hEF1a: PirB (unverified), Cofilin gene in backbone.