In general, most buttons on TechWizard are much bigger than normal, in accordance with Fitt's law and visibility assuming a generally older population. Each page is very minimalistic to prevent confusion. We tried to create categories that we thought would appeal to users based off what we gleamed from talking with them.
TechWizard is a fairly simple site with a simple backend. For the tutorial listing, code pulls category and tutorial information from a simple JSON database. Since we did not produce a full websites worth of content, most of this 'dynamic' data is actually the same data loaded for most requests. Tutorial pages are hardcoded, but they make use of includes to have a common header, footer, and other common elements.
We presented users with the following Briefing and tasks list, and also had the user explore the site afterwards.
You will be using TechWizard, a site designed to help people who aren't good with computers become good with computers.
As TechWizard is still being prototyped, most tutorials aren't yet written. Many buttons on the site will redirect you to a functioning page, don't be alarmed if this happens.
Imagine that you want to learn everything there is to getting an email account and writing emails.
Find the first tutorial in the sequence on emails
Read the following tutorials in order