PMBA Project Plan FY12 Overview
- 7/12: review progress on Task List and recruit coaching volunteers
- 7/14: Presentation to Senior Staff (FY11 Year In Review)
- 8/16: review progress on CoP wiki
- 9/20: FY12 Kick Off and HR Training FY12
- 9/27: revisit approach, project reviews
- 10/4: CoP wiki review and feedback
- 10/11: revisit PMBA charter, membership and project execution guidelines for senior staff
- 10/18: CoP Roll Out Plan and define next set of deliverables and subteams
- 11/8: New membership status, CoP Roll Out progress and future direction
- 11/22: CoP review and Roll Out plan
- 12/13: CoP launch
- 12/20: future direction
- 1/17: future direction revisited
PMBA Project Plan FY11
1. Review time line and deliverables
- SSSC presentation completed November 17, 2011 2010 Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Task matrix draft 12/9
- Project review recommendations implemented for Q3 sessions
- Data Management conceptual models and business process mapping resources 1/25
- tool inventory draft completed January Draft Inventory of Current Available Tools
- 2/15: Finance Project Cost Template
- 2/22: Feedback on Community of Practice proposal, build Build agenda for MTS meeting Project Management Community of Practice v2.docx
- 3/1: Project Review feedback, project plan review and discussion with Marilyn (agenda TBD)
- 3/8: Quarterly Forecast process with Finance
- 3/15: Feedback on Community of Practice proposal Project Management Community of Practice v2.docx
- 3/22: No meeting due to department meeting
- 3/29: Task List review
- 4/5: No meeting due to training
- 4/12: review of business case and updates on project reviews
- 4/19: User Interface Design and Development
- 4/26: Task List review
- 5/3: review stakeholder analysis templates
- 5/10: Usability and Accessibility
- 5/17: review scope, project kick off checklists
- 5/24: Task List review
- 5/31: review project kick off checklists and communication plan templates as needed
- 6/7: FY12 discussion and wrap up
February 8, 2011
Review time line and deliverables
- We need to prioritize following activities and put into the project time line:
- Stakeholder Identification and Analysis processes and tools: Wendy, Pat and Anne (draft by 3/22)
- Requirements Gathering processes: Joanne, Wendy, Karon (draft 5/10)
- developing & reviewing templates: Lori and Pat (these can be shared and commented on in email as opposed to at a meeting)
- Sample business case - March
- Scope template - March
- Functional Specifications (people need to understand the difference) TABLE for DESIGN phase
- Project Kick-off Document - April
- Communications template vs. Status Update (status could be subset of Communications template) - April
- partnership opportunities: Pat having initial meetings to plan in early March
- Facilities "PIT" Project Initiation Team (April)
- Lincoln Lab PMO (April)
- processes to incorporate into our project life cycle and task lists (are these more appropriate as larger working sessions for our Community of Practice?)
- QA - table
- User Interface Design - initial planning mtg this week, 4/5 presentation
- Web Services - Pat to follow up with JAD (table for design phase)
- Accessibility/Usability - planning in March, 4/12 presentation