This page captures upcoming and past travel and professional development activities in FSX. The Report column captures a link to any reporting out or documentation of the activity once available. All FSX group members are expected to report out after attending such activities.
OK? | What | Where | When | Who | Cost | Report |
| Apple Macintosh remote management solutions | Boston | 6/23/2009 | Ranjani, John, Tommy, | $0 | |
| VMware conference | Maine | 7/23/2009 | Jon Hunt | $200 | |
| Campus Technology Conference | Boston | 7/27/2009-7/30/2009 | Ranjani | $849 | |
| NERCOMP SIG - Classroom of the Future | Southbridge, MA | 10/9/2009 | Ranjani and Jon Hunt | ca. $300 $331 | NERCOMP Report - Jonathan Hunt, NERCOMP Report - Ranjani |
| NERCOMP SIG - Imaging Solutions | Durham, NH | 10/30/2009 | Jon Hunt | ca. $150 $196 | |
| EDUCAUSE 2009, as invited speaker | Denver, CO | 11/03/2009-11/06/2009 | Jon Hunt | ca. $2000 $1053 | |
| EDUCAUSE 2009 Online | N42 Demo Center | 11/03/2009 - 11/06/2009 | Oliver Thomas & Co | ca. $500 | |
| Presenting Data and Information by Edward Tufte | Boston | 11/11/2009 | Drew Shapiro MIT '11 | $400 | Info Exchange |
| NERCOMP SIG - KeyServer Training | Holy Cross | 12/1/2009 | Jon Hunt, Alex Prengel | ca. $200 $300 | |
| NERCOMP 2010 (Speaking on Hermes with Barbara Johnson) | RI Convention Center - Providence | 3/9/2010 | Jon Reed | $185 | - |
| USENIX 2010 | Boston, MA | June 2010 | Jon Reed, Alex Prengel | $1500 | |
| Window 7 New Features | MIT Campus | 1/6/2009 | Tommy Smith | $90 | |
| Educause Online Spring Focus | MIT Campus | 3/3/2010 | Ranjani Saigal, Jon Hunt | $275 | |
| New Horizons Microsoft Network+ training | New Horizons Boston | June 2010, 5 days | Joyce Gomes, Tommy Smith | $1800 each | Towards MSDS certification |