Table of Contents
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Time: 9am - 5pm (Continental Breakfast at 8:30am)
Location: Stata Center, building 32. Badge pickup outside of Kirsch Auditorium (32-123)
We hope to see you on June 12th!
Schedule:IT Partners 2018 Conference Schedule.pdf
Session Descriptions
Session Feedback
To provide feedback on specific sessions, go to the Session Descriptions, click on a session and look for the "Submit Session Feedback" link.
Or click the link below:
- Keynote: Blockchains, Bitcoin and Layer 2 Scalability Solutions (Alin Dragos)
- Sessions
- 24/7 Service Desk (Kyle Filipe, Eric Marquis)
- a Gentle Introduction To git (G.I.T.) (Linus Falck-Ytter)
- A Selection of Salesforce Journeys (Cheryl Miller, Patrick McNeal, Minerva Tirado, Jeff Freilich, Matt Romero, Joseph Browne)
- Advanced Tableau Data Manipulation (Gilles Simler)
- An Introduction to User Experience (UX) Fundamentals (Chris LaRoche, Katherine Wahl)
- Collaboration Tools: Google Suite, DropBox, OneDrive, Slack, Trello, and LastPass (Oliver Thomas, Mike Sherman, Saul Horowitz, Patrick McNeal)
- Demystifying Data Governance and Security (Carter Stubbs, Bob Monteith, John Dvorak)
- Hybrid Cloud Migrations: Moving to the Public Cloud through Lift and Shift (Nathan Thaler)
- Knowledge Management Services, Tools, and Trends (Irina Cyr, Sara Davies)
- Making SharePoint Fun (Linus Falck-Ytter)
- MIT's Central Domain Services (Richard Edelson)
- NextGen MIT Network (Matthew Harrington, Marco Gomes, John Morgante, Brian Stephens)
- Office 365 and MIT Email (Richard Edelson)
- Qualtrics Vocalize (Saul Horowitz)
- Realistic imagination: how to avoid imaginary realism when working with design & development vendors (Deborah A. Levinson)
- Research Data Management: an Overview from Data Management Services (Amy Nurnberger, Ece Turnator)
- Roles and Access Control (Brandin Tumeinski)
- Web Accessibility: Encouraging Digital Diversity (Katherine Wahl, Kathy Cahill)
- Writing for the Web (Dave Demerjian)
- Roundtables
- Closing: Jeff Schiller (Jeff Schiller)
- Food:
- Registration and Information
- Vendor Display (4Imprint, Ambit Creative, Apple, Connection, DS Graphics, Dell, Global EWaste, Lenovo, MIT CopyTech, MIT Libraries, MIT Police, MIT's Women in IT ERG, Microsoft, Staples)
- Links:
- Downloads:
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Conference Feedback
Tell us how we did and help us start planning for next year's conference.
- To provide feedback on specific sessions, go to the Session Descriptions, click on a session and look for the "Submit Session Feedback" link.
We’d also like to hear what you thought about the conference as a whole (how was the swag?), and more generally, what you’d like to see from IT Partners in the future. Please submit us overall conference feedback at: