We tested our implementation on three people. We allowed each person to choose items pertaining to their dietary restriction and tasked each user to enter their restrictions, browse restaurants and menus, and select items they would like to eat. We found users who indicated that they have food restrictions. Our users include a vegan, a chicken vegetarian, people and a person who is on the paleolithic diet.
- Shape the "progression" button as arrows to strongly indicate progress.
- Make the button animate slightly when the system thinks sufficient pref/restriction is being added to notify the user he can progress.
Users are dissapointed disappointed when not a lot of menu items show up on menu page due to over-restriction (Efficiency, Minor)
One user believed that the green plus would add an item to their restrictions and was confused when it instead added it to the restrictions. This is even after we had attached tooltip explanations to the buttons.
Potential solutions:
- Colorize preference and restriction 'wells' red/green accordingly.
- Explicitly label buttons 'prefer'/'restrict'.
One user said "this is nice, so professional!"
Users chose to select preference ingredients first before filling out restrictions
This reinforces our decision to include preferences into our design because people's natural tendencies are to pick items that they want before what they cannot have.
Reflection -
Our design explanation lists our thought process from start to finish with our implementation. The guiding factor for our designs was primarily feedback from GR1-GR5. With extra time we would have most likely continued using our design and refining it, rather than start a fresh, all-new implementation. With that said, we have discussed further areas of improvement that we would have liked to incorporate into our design.