Welcome to YaWHOI! Welcome to Woods Hole! We hope that this guide will make your stay in Woods Hole more enjoyable whether you’re here for five years as a Joint Program student, or just visiting for a few days. This guide contains guide contains restaurant listings and reviews, local shopping information, health care provider information for you for you and your pet, and details on recreational activities from surfing to movie theaters. The opinions contained within are those of the preparers and other students. As such they are not universal, nor are they the they the official opinions of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution or the MIT/WHOI Joint Program. This guide was first prepared by 1996--1997 MIT/WHOI Joint Program Students and was actively maintained through 1998. The 2002-2003 print edition represented a major revision and update of the originalthe original, but the preparers remained indebted to the original authors for the framework and most of the listings. The 2008-2009 Student Reps have made some minor changes and we (2012-2013 reps) have now made this a wiki (httpshttp://wikismit.mitwhoi.edu/confluence/display/yawhoi/)\ Image Removed! Disclaimer: Not all of While every effort has been made for accuracy, the information contained in here is entirely accurate or this guide is prepared by volunteers and may not always be entirely up-to-date. If you learn that something listed in here is not rightnote any inaccuracies, please correct it and make it more useful for your fellow students. Email or email jp-student-reps@mit.edu if you have trouble doing so. Please let us know of any suggestions you might have. JP Student HandbookThis handbook was created and is maintained by the Joint Program student representatives to help guide you through the process of gaining your advanced degree. The joint nature of this program sometimes makes it difficult to learn about the administrative procedures and facilities available to Joint Program students. This handbook is an attempt to make it easier to navigate the Joint Program. To access the handbook, please sign in using your Kerberos account (MIT certificate) using the link on the top right of the page. |