President's Report - FY10 Q4
- RT process mapping and documentation complete for IS&T
- RT upgrade to 3.8 development is underway
- Software Portfolio 2.0 completed
- VSLS product distribution mapping completed
- TNIS billing pilot completed
- IS&T Exchange Migration
- approaching 11,000 accounts which is inclusive of new and transitioned accounts
- estimated 342 640 personal Techtime accountsleft to transition
- retired additional TechTime resources - 100 250 remaining assessment/action
- Executive Offices migration is complete with exception of MIT World
- recent migrations:
- May 24 - 26: Division of Comparative Medicine
- June 2: Biology
- June 7 Security Emergency and Management Office (SEMO)
- June 10: Center for Global Change Science (CGCS)
- June 10: MIT Conf Services
- June 11: Experimental Studies Group (ESG)
- June 15-18: Chemistry
- June 16: Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT)
- June 18: Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research) and MIT Joint Program CEEPR/JP
- June 21: Department for Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)
- June 21: Concourse and Terrascope
- June 22, 23, 25: MIT Energy Initiative (MITei)
- June 23: Engineering Systems Division /MIT Portugal Program/Center for Tech, Policy and Indust. Dev
- June 24: Writing and Humanistic Studies (WHS)
- June 28: MIT Museum
- June 29: Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity (LMP)
- June 30: Center for Materials, Science and Engineering (CMSE)
FY10 Q1
The IS&T Software Portfolio v 1.0 was completed and presented to senior staff. It provides an overview of individual licenses by directorate, vendor, level of effort to maintain and purpose. This allows for bundling of licenses for price negotiation and spans third-party administrative, academic and development software, as well as open source and home grown applications.
Email/Calendaring Exchange Migration project successfully transitioned IS&T and pilot departments (OSP, HR, DUE and Sloan) to the new service. The team was able to improve the project going forward through lessons learned, including better defining resource needs, documentation and increased trainingNeed to input this information.