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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Prototype 2


The drop-down menu was very confusing for the first group of testers, so we decided to replace it by placing the menu in the top bar instead. When users went to "My Songs", they would be taken to a page where they could select songs. However, the Practice sidebar would be present even if no song was selected. We removed the sidebar when the user first goes to their songs because users were confused by having the Metronome and other options when there was no sheet music yet.

Originally to leave a comment, the user would have to press the "Add a comment" button at top. We changed this so that users could just leave a comment at the bottom of the comment tab (makes it more like gchat). This seemed more efficient than using a pop-up to leave a comment.

In the first prototype, if the user pressed the mail button in the member directory, he would be taken to the inbox page.  However, we decided that approach had poor efficiency, since the user might not want to be on the inbox page, so instead, we made it so that a popup would appear if the user wanted to compose a message from the recipient's profile.

No image, sorry :(sorry (sad)

The sidebar of the member directory appears even when a user is browsing the profile page of another member, but in reality, it's unlikely that someone will need a sidebar full of the links to other member's pages when they're already at a profile page.  Thus, our new member directory consists of an initial portal page full of clickable icons that link to each member's profile page, and once the user enters a page, the profile takes up the entire window, with a back button in the top left corner to allow the user to return to the portal page.

No image, sorry :(sorry (sad)

The content pane of a member's profile page is hopelessly cluttered, causing the page's learnability to be low.  Furthermore, the recordings section of the profile page is emphasized to the user, since it was placed in a box, but that was not intended.  To fix this, we converted the member profile page into a page of four panes: Info, Pieces, Availability (expressed as a calendar), and Recordings.  We feel that the new layout does not emphasize any single part of the profile, and it is a lot more glance-able.