Here are some pictures of the paper prototype process done in class:
Creating the UI | Placing Posts in UI | Finished Paper Prototype | User Testing Prototype |
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Here are some of the different parts of the prototype in more detail:
Creating an Account | "User Corner": No Logged User | "User Corner": Logged User | Create Discussion | Create Article | Create Event | Add Tags To Post | Post View Page |
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User Briefing
"Beaver Buzz is a new website for MIT students to share articles, discuss topics, and create events. It is similar to other article-sharing websites such as Digg.com and Reddit.com, but will support topics more in line with MIT students' interests. Each student with a valid MIT address will be able to make an account. They will then be able to browse topics, each of which may have three types of submissions: articles, which link to an article on the web; discussions, which functions simply as a forum; and events, which have a time, date, and event description. Note that articles and events also have a "discussion" section so people can comment on them. It is also possible for a user to post an article, event, or discussion."