C++ Libraries and Software for Molecular Modeling (Erik Santiso)
Latest change: 07-0727-11 - most packages are in this link: projects.tgz , including a bash script to build all the projects in the right order. Below is a description of the different projects.
gnugen.py: A python script to construct gnuplot input from the output of the triangle package (see below).
Download: gnugen.py
randomc: A library of random-number generators. This code belongs to Agner Fog, I've only added a Makefile to it. This code is required for the peakdist package. The link to the original library is here.
Triangle: A code to generate 2D meshes. This code belongs to Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. Triangle is useful to visualize Voronoi tesselations in combination with stringpca and gnugen.py. The link to the original code is here.
Download: triangle.tgz