Here are some ways you can contribute to the Climate Collaboratorium....
Anyone can:
- view View everything on the site, including plans and other debates
- add Add comments in any debate that doesn't require specialized expertise Specialized Expertise
- vote Vote on the most promising plans
- vote Vote on the most plausible or desirable positions in other debates that don't require specialized expertise Specialized Expertise
- rate Rate comments in any debate that doesn't require specialized expertise Specialized Expertise
- use Use the material on this site to make decisions in other parts of your life (e.g., as a consumer, voter, business person, or policy-maker)
If you like to write or create art, you can:
- create Create fictional stories or other artistic representations of the possible future worlds described by plans
(this functionality will become available on the site in October 2009)
If you like numbers, you can:
- experiment Experiment with different inputs for the models that are part of plans
- develop Develop new models using spreadsheets
If you like to simplify complex ideas for others, you can:
- incorporate Incorporate new information on climate change into the plans and other debates on this site
- moderate Moderate and summarize debates
If you are an expert in a field related to climate change, you can:
- add Add and rate comments in debates related to your expertise
- vote Vote on debates related to your expertise
If you are a computer programmer, you can:
- develop Develop new models
- develop Develop other parts of the site
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