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How to


build run the


petclinic sample application without eclipse (in windows)

  1. Set your JAVA_HOME variable
    1. Make sure it is set to a 1.5 JDK (not JRE) java installation directory
    2. for example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09
  2. Create a workspace directory
    1. for example: C:\workspace
    2. Note: This document uses WORKSPACE to refer to this directory
  3. Using Tortoise SVN checkout of the MIT framework projects in the repository into your WORKSPACE
    1. The repository is svn+ssh://
    2. You can check out everything in the repository but all you really need is:
      1. WORKSPACE\tools\apache-tomcat-5.5.23
      2. WORKSPACE\sample\springframework
  4. Startup HSQLDB
    1. WORKSPACE\sample\springframework\samples\petclinic\db\hsqldb\server.bat
    2. Note: I think this needs to be running to do the full build so it will init initialize the database
  5. Build the petclinic war file
    1. WORKSPACE\sample\springframework\samples\petclinic\all.cmd
    2. Notes:
      1. The ALL target cleans, builds and creaets creates the war file putting it in the dist directory
      2. It also initializes the HSQLDB database in the WORKSPACE\sample\springframework\samples\petclinic\db\hsqldb directory.
      3. The clean target deletes the war\WEB-INF\lib directory which is was part of the SVN spring sample distribution . Not sure if this causes problems because what the build puts back into the lib directory is NOT exaxtly the same as what had been there before the clean erased the directory. TODO: worry about this.but the build.xml did not copy all of the needed jars back in to the directory before creating the war file. So... I remvoed the directory from the repository and I modified the build to copy all the needed files to the directory.
  6. Startup Tomcat by double clicking on
    1. WORKSPACE\tools\apache-tomcat-5.5.23\bin\startup.bat
    2. Note: to shutdown click on shutdown.bat
    3. Test regular port http://localhost:8080/
    4. Test the SSL port: https://localhost:8443/
      1. Note: You should be prompted to accept the server certificate even though it does not match your machines IP Name.
  7. Deploy the WAR file using the Tomcat Manager https://localhost:8443/manager/html
    1. The Tomcat manager user name and password are "adminmanager" and "adminmanager"
    2. Select WAR file to upload by clicking on the BROWSE button
    3. Navigate to WORKSPACE\sample\springframework\petclinic\dist
    4. and choose Choose petclinic.war
    5. Hit the DEPLOY button
      1. When deployed you should see /petclinic | Spring PetClinic in the list of applications.
      2. Click on the \petclinic link in the administrator manager or go to https://localhost:8443/petclinic
  8. Location of Log files
    1. Application specific log files are stored in the WEB-INF directory of the application
      1. for example WORKSPACE\tools\apache-tomcat-5.5.23\webapps\petclinic\WEB-INF