- Enable IP forwarding:
Code Block echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- in
- the
- /etc/sysctl.conf,
- make
- sure
- ip
- forwarding
- is
- enabled:
Code Block net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
- Place the following in fileservers-custom.xml:
Code Block <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server"> <serverEnable enabled="true"/> <tcpipSMB port="1445" platforms="linux"/> <sessionTimeout="30" /> <netBIOSSMB sessionPort="1139" namePort="1137" datagramPort="1138" platforms="linux"/> </config>
- Set up iptables redirects:
Code Block iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 445 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1445 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 139 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1139 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 137 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1137 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 138 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1138
- Change ownership on the alfresco.pid
- file
- to
- repos:
Code Block chown repos:repos /var/run/alfresco.pid
- Make sure the path through /home/www/apache/modules/
- *
- is
- readable/executable
- by
- repos
- Change ownership and permissions on /sbin/mount.cifs
- to
- enable
- mounting
- by
- repos:
Code Block chown root:repos /sbin/mount.cifs chmod 4750 /sbin/mount.cifs
- Add the following line to /etc/fstab:
Code Block
//localhost/avm /home/repos/mnt/this-avm cifs user,noauto 0 0
- In the /etc/security/limits.conf
- file,
- add
- the
- following
- lines:
Code Block
repos soft nofile 8192 repos hard nofile 8192
For the deployment scripts (for the -mitmods version only):- Note that the deploy scripts need to be updated to use the 1445 port for CIFS (since local traffic is not forwarded). Also, the mount point for CIFS needs to be under /home/repos,
- not
- /mnt.
- For
- whatever
- reason,
- we
- need
- to
- use
- "mount.cifs"
- directly
- instead
- of
- "mount",
- which
- always
- requires
- you
- to
- be
- root
- whether
- the
- bit
- is
- there
- or
- not.
- Finally,
- the
- sharename
- must
- be
- "//localhost/avm"
- to
- match
- the
- fstab
- entry.
- Here
- are
- the
- relevant
- changes
- in
- the
- script:
Code Block
export MOUNT_POINT=~/mnt/this-avm # instead of /mnt/this-avm umount -t cifs //localhost/avm ${MOUNT_POINT}/ # instead of //${HOSTNAME}/avm mount.cifs //localhost/avm ${MOUNT_POINT}/ -o port=1445,user=${DEPLOY_ALFRESCO_USER}%${DEPLOY_ALFRESCO_PASSWORD} # "mount.cifs" instead of "mount -t cifs"; "localhost" instead of "${HOSTNAME}"; "port=1445" instead of default behavior (445)
- On the remote (linux)
- server,
- identify
- or
- create
- a
- remote
- user
- with
- write
- access
- to
- the
- desired
- deployment
- destination
- path.
- Ensure
- that
- the
- root
- account
- on
- the
- Alfresco
- server
- can
- ssh
- as
- this
- user
- to
- the
- remote
- server
- without
- being
- prompted
- for
- a
- password.
- If
- this
- is
- not
- already
- set
- up,
- you
- should
- do
- the
- following:
- On
- the
- Alfresco
- server
- as
- *repos*,
- run
- "ssh-keygen
- -t
- dsa"
- and
- accept
- the
- default
- location.
- Also,
- leave
- the
- passphrase
- blank
- (maybe
- not
- the
- best
- advice
- but
- I
- want
- to
- ensure
- that
- the
- script
- will
- not
- be
- prompted
- for
- a
- password)
- Copy
- the
- generated
- public
- key
- file
- (~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub)
- to the remote server (e.g.,
- "scp
- ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
- Log
- into
- the
- remote
- (assumed
- linux)
- server
- as
- the
- remote
- user.
- (If
- the
- user
- doesn't
- exist,
- first
- log
- in
- as
- root
- and
- create
- the
- account
- with
- "adduser
- If
- it
- does
- not
- exist,
- create
- the
- remote
- user's
- .ssh
- directory
- and
- make
- sure
- its
- permissions
- are
- properly
- set.
- ("mkdir
- ~/.ssh"
- and
- "chmod
- 700
- ~/.ssh")
- Append
- the
- generated
- public
- key
- file
- you
- copied
- to
- the
- end
- of
- .ssh/authorized_keys,
- and
- make
- sure
- its
- permissions
- are
- properly
- set.
- ("cat
- id_dsa.pub
- >>
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- and
- "chmod
- 600
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
- Remove
- the
- generated
- public
- key
- file
- from
- the
- remote
- server
- ("rm
- id_dsa.pub")
Code Block
adduser deploy_bot ###note, this is the WEB SERVER "deploy_bot" account, not the ALFRESCO "deploy_bot" account | mkdir /home/deploy_bot/.ssh; | chown deploy_bot /home/deploy_bot/.ssh | chmod 700 /home/deploy_bot/.ssh; | cat \~/id_dsa.pub >> /home/deploy_bot/.ssh/authorized_keys | chown deploy_bot /home/deploy_bot/.ssh/authorized_keys | chmod 600 /home/deploy_bot/.ssh/authorized_keys | rm \~/id_dsa.pub | chmod a+rx /home/www | chmod a+rx /home/www/sash-server | chmod a+rx /home/www/sash-server/servers/ | chmod a+rx /home/www/sash-server/servers/alumni/ | chown deploy_bot /home/www/sash-server/servers/alumni/webapps | chown deploy_bot /home/www/sash-server/servers/alumni/webapps/ROOT |
- Log
- out
- of
- the
- remote
- server
- Test
- by
- logging
- into
- the
- Alfresco
- server
- as
- *repos
- *
- and
- running
- "ssh
- -l
- If
- you
- get
- in
- as
- the
- remote
- user
- without
- being
- prompted
- for
- a
- password,
- congratulations.
- Note:
- in this
- step,
- accept
- the
- host
- key.
- This
- stores
- the
- host
- key
- in
- known_hosts
- and
- is
- actually
- important,
- since
- you
- don't
- want
- the
- deployment
- script
- to
- be
- prompted
- to
- accept
- or
- not
- accept
- the
- host
- key.