- Ease of use (if it is hard to use, it won't be used)
- Transparency to the user (beyond authenticating at login or boot up)
- Recovery from forgotten passwords (don't loose the important data) and hardware failures
- Effective encryption to thwart a thief from getting sensitive data off the disk
- Ease of setup
The project is not focussed on:
- Protecting data from network attacks
- Securing data communication channels for sharing the data
- Is the data backed up encrypted or in the clear? (Dependent on backup solution)
- If encrypted in backup, what extra precautions must be taken to ensure recoverability of the data should a disk failure or forgotten password happen?
- Does the backup solution backup the data as a file (may make incremental system backups really large for FileVault)?
- What is the impact on incremental backups, particularly on multi-user systems?
- Does the solution protect against a stolen laptop or hard drive?
- What behaviors might a typical user do that would result in the data being on the disk unencrypted?
- What can be done to mitigate these risks?
- How do the operating system tools compare to 3rd party products like PGP for functionality, key escrow, recovery, etc.?
- What are other schools doing?
**Harvard appears to be going with PGP whole disk
**UPenn is at a similar state in evaluating possible solutions - How should central recovery work when passwords are lost?
- i.e. who should have the keys to unlock the castle
- What steps can be done with installers or other tools to ease the setup and ensure useful configurations?
- like requiring non-blank login passwords, passwords to return from sleep, etc.
*What performance hit does encrypting the files have, if any? - Could play large video file from encrypted spot - see how long it took to load and if they was any file read problems, then do the same thing on the same machine from a non-encrypted location.
- like requiring non-blank login passwords, passwords to return from sleep, etc.
- Jonathan Hunt - IS&T Client Support Services Software (Project Leader)
- Deb Bowser - IS&T Software Release Team (SWRT Team Leader)
- Alex Koslov - IS&T Software Release Team (Windows Platform Coordinator)
- Al Willis - IS&T Software Release Team (Macintosh Platform Coordinator)
- Patrick Whitney - IS&T TSM Team (TSM/Backup Expert)
- Dave Kalenderian - IS&T TSM Team (TSM/Backup Expert)
- TBDs - ITPartners, MacPartners and WinPartners
- David Ferrante - MIT Federal Credit Untion
- Rich Garcia - IS&T
- Matt Sullivan - IS&T Departmental IT Resources
- Helen Rose - Resource Development
- Matthias Thorn - IS&T Computing Help Desk
- Scott Jensen - MIT Corporate Relations - Industrial Liaison Program
- Andre Pierre - MIT OpenCourseWare
- Jason Marshall - MIT Sloan Technology Services
- Michael Mappes - MIT Sloan Technology Services
- Alison Knott - MIT Medical, Manager Security and Integration
- Ann Birk - COFHE Director of Information Technology
- Greg Hudson - MIT Sloan Technology ServicesTBDs - other volunteers
Disk Encryption Test Results