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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Group Members 

  • Stephen Suen ssuen
  • Kathy Fang kfang 
  • Yi Wu wuyi
  • Connie Huang connieh
  • TA: Katrina Panovich

GR1 - User and Task Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR5 - Implementation

GR6 - User Testing


GR5 - Implementation


Please use Chrome to view Hitched.

Project Contribution





  • timeline javascript and styling
  • rails models and associations
  • json parsing to link models to timeline
  • html/css: registration and sign-up pages
    • batch selecting tasks
    • tokenizing emails
  • html/css: event and edit event pages
  • summarizing event "notes from hitched"
  • landing page and styling
  • user handling
    • sign up
    • login
  • edit event/user/wedding
  • rails models

Application's Purpose and User Population

Hitched is a low-cost wedding planning tool for engaged couples with little prior experience planning weddings. The application provides guidance on the wedding planning process and information on the timing of major tasks. Hitched is a highly interactive, visual, and customized tool. It also enables engaged couples to gather feedback from friends/family throughout the wedding planning process. 

We have two primary user classes:

  • Any young, frugal couple who wants to plan their own wedding but lacks the necessary experience to do so. These users want advice on important wedding planning milestones, as well as the ability to customize Hitched to suit their wedding needs. Hitched is designed to be used by any couple, regardless of sexual orientation.
  • Any engaged couple's friends/family, who want stay up-to-date on key wedding tasks and share their feedback (i.e, on the timing or location of certain wedding events). These users want to communicate effectively with the engaged couple and track the engaged couple's wedding planning progress.

Guided Tour

Our guided tour has the following stages:

1) Visit the landing page, where we will sign up for an account. 

2) Log out from the navigation bar and then sign in again.

3) Go to the settings page, where we can change the name, email, and password.

4) Visit the timeline, where we will point out key features, such as hovering over events, filtering events based on category. From our early interviews with members of the user population, we found that many engaged couples want the ability to visualize the timing of wedding planning tasks. The timeline addresses this need. In our paper prototyping stage, we asked testers to locate a specific event on the timeline. We will show how we anticipate users to complete this common task.

5) Click on an event from the timeline to see additional details, including time, location, description, and comments. In our user class interviews, we found that engaged couples wanted tips on how to handle each wedding task. The event page includes a short blurb with suggestions from Hitched on how to approach the task. 

6) Edit event details, such as time, location, date, and description. We anticipate that many users will change event dates after receiving feedback from family/friends and dealing with unforeseen circumstances. As a result, one of our paper prototyping tasks was editing the details of an event. Based on the results of our paper prototyping, we designed our user interface to allow users to edit all the details of one event on a single page.  

7) Add a comment to an event. One of the main purposes of Hitched is to facilitate communication between the engaged couple and friends/family. We tested this task in the paper prototyping stage, and designed our user interface keeping in mind the comments we received from paper prototype users (i.e, displaying the pictures of people who commented).

Presentation and Discussion Notes

Our discussion and presentation brought us back to high level issues that we started to forget about after two weeks of working on the implementation, such as the purpose of comments or the use cases of the timeline vs. a list of events.

What we finally created was very close to our original paper prototype, but our discussion made us remember the reasons we chose to implement certain features the way we did. As we finalize our product, we are hoping to implement a few extra features that will make the process that much more efficient or safe.