This site may only be a placeholder for a more permanent home. (To gain access to edit these pages, please contact Brandon Muramatsu at mura \ [at\] mit \ [dot\] edu.) Wiki Markup
About the Lecture Transcription Service
Caveat: This service should not necessarily be viewed as a solution for 100% accurate automated transcription that a university or cultural organization might require.
Project Docs
Project Plan March 2009ProjectPlanMarch2009
Use +Cases Cases
Podcast System (MIT)
Meeting Notes: LTS ConfCall 040109-040209
Spoken Lecture Project
The Spoken Lecture Project processes video to create a transcript and/or segmented video to enable the two to be linked via a project-developed browser. Through the Spoken Lecture browser one can search for a term/phrase, select the video to watch, view the transcript and control the video by selecting within the transcript. The current browser implementation uses Real video. The current technology resides on and runs from Jim Glass' research cluster in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).