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Download and Install Tomcat 7

If you encounter any broken links, go to the Apache Tomcat web site and select the Tomcat version from the DOWNLOAD section.

  1. Go to the Apache Tomcat download site.  Scroll down until you reach the 7.0.29 section.  Under Binary Distributions Core:, select the format for your OS and save the downloaded file to your workstation.  If you cannot find version 7.0.29, then follow the directions For older versions of Tomcat below and search of version 7.0.29.

    For older versions of Tomcat
    If you are looking for an archieve version of Tomcat, go to the Apache Apache Tomcat download site.  Scroll down until you reach the Quick Navigation section and click on Archives.  Select the version of Tomcat that you want, then click on bin and select the Tomcat format for your OS and save the downloaded file to your workstation.

  2. Unzip/untar the binaries to a new folder (e.g. /tomcat/7.0.9).
  3. Create an environment variable CATALINA_HOME which contains the path to your Tomcat installation.  For example: CATALINA_HOME=/tomcat/7.0.29/

Download and Install Tomcat 7 is now complete

h3. *




* # *

  1. Configure
  1. tomcat-users.xml

  1. Open
  1. $
  1. {CATALINA_HOME}/conf/tomcat-users.xml
  1. with
  1. a
  1. text
  1. editor.
  Create the following 2 uses: {code}
  1.   Create the following 2 uses:
    Code Block
    <role rolename="manager-script"/>
    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <user username="script" password="XXXXXXXX" roles="manager-script"/>
    <user username="gui" password="YYYYYYYY" roles="manager-gui"/>
{code} *•* The *script* user will be used to deploy your application to the Tomcat server. *•* The *gui* user will be used to access the Tomcat Manager. \\ {color:red}Be sure to change the passwords to passwords of your choice.{color} When you are satisified that everything is correct, save your changes. # *Install the
  1. The script user will be used to deploy your application to the Tomcat server.
    The gui user will be used to access the Tomcat Manager.
    Be sure to change the passwords to passwords of your choice.
    When you are satisified that everything is correct, save your changes.
  2. Install the ojdbc6-

  1. Install
  1. the
  1. ojdbc6-
  1. in
  1. either
  1. the
  1. $
  1. {CATALINA_HOME}/lib
  1. or
  1. the
  1. $
  1. {CATALINA_HOME}/common/lib
  1. directory.
  1.   The ojdbc6-
  1. has
  1. to
  1. go
  1. into
  1. only
  1. one
  1. directory.
&nbsp;&nbsp; \\ \\ If you do not have the

    If you do not have the ojdbc6-,
  1. you
  1. can
  1. download
  1. the
  1. ojdbc6-
| ^ojdbc6-]
  1. now
  1. and
  1. save
  1. it
  1. to
  1. your
  1. workstation.
# *Configure

  1. Anchor
    Configure context.xml
    Configure context.xml
  2. Configure context.xml

  1. Open
  1. $
  1. {CATALINA_HOME}/conf/context.xml
  1. with
  1. a
  1. text
  1. editor.
&nbsp;&nbsp; ## For
    1. For non-Windows
    1. systems,
    1. change
    1. the
    1. <context>
    1. tag
    1. to
    1. the
    1. following:
    1. Code Block
      <Context crossContext="true" useHttpOnly="false">
    1. For
    1. Windows
    1. systems,
    1. change
    1. the
    1. <context>
    1. tag
    1. to
    1. the
    1. following"
    1. Code Block
      <Context antiResourceLocking="true" crossContext="true" useHttpOnly="false">
{code} {note} By setting *antiResourceLocking* to true, Tomcat will prevent any file locking. This will significantly impact startup time of applications, but allows full webapp hot deploy and undeploy on platforms or configurations where file locking can occur. If not specified, the default value is false. \\ \\ Please note that setting this to true has some side effects, including the disabling of JSP reloading in a running server: see Bugzilla 37668. \\ \\ Please note that setting this flag to true in applications that are outside the appBase for the Host (the webapps directory by default) will cause the application to be deleted on Tomcat shutdown. You probably don't want to do this, so think twice before setting antiResourceLocking=true on a webapp that's outside the appBase for its Host. {note} {note} By default, *Tomcat 7 sets HttpOnly to false on all session cookies*.&nbsp;&nbsp;This prevents any client side script from accessing the session ID. DWR uses the session cookie (and the session ID) to protect against cross site scripting attacks.&nbsp;&nbsp;With HTTPOnly set to false, DWR will start popping up “CSRF Security Error” dialogs. To prevent DWR from popping up “CSRF Security Error” dialogs, *useHttpOnly* must be set to *true*. {note} ## Add the following Resource Definition anywhere between the <context> and </context> tags: {code}
    1. Note

      By setting antiResourceLocking to true, Tomcat will prevent any file locking. This will significantly impact startup time of applications, but allows full webapp hot deploy and undeploy on platforms or configurations where file locking can occur. If not specified, the default value is false.

      Please note that setting this to true has some side effects, including the disabling of JSP reloading in a running server: see Bugzilla 37668.

      Please note that setting this flag to true in applications that are outside the appBase for the Host (the webapps directory by default) will cause the application to be deleted on Tomcat shutdown. You probably don't want to do this, so think twice before setting antiResourceLocking=true on a webapp that's outside the appBase for its Host.


      By default, Tomcat 7 sets HttpOnly to false on all session cookies.  This prevents any client side script from accessing the session ID.
      DWR uses the session cookie (and the session ID) to protect against cross site scripting attacks.  With HTTPOnly set to false, DWR will start popping up “CSRF Security Error” dialogs.
      To prevent DWR from popping up “CSRF Security Error” dialogs, useHttpOnly must be set to true.

      add a resource definition
      add a resource definition
    2. Add the following Resource Definition anywhere between the <context> and </context> tags:
      Code Block
      <Resource name="jdbc/MitsisDS"
         logAbandoned="true" />
      <ResourceLink global="jdbc/MitsisDS" name="jdbc/MitsisDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
{code} {color:red}If your
    1. If your project's
    1. JNDI
    1. name
    1. is
    1. something
    1. other
    1. than
    1. MitsisDS
    1. ,
    1. then
    1. you
    1. must
    1. change
    1. MitsisDS
    1. in
    1. the
    1. above
    1. to
    1. your
    1. project's
    1. JNDI
    1. name.
&nbsp;&nbsp;If you
    1.   If you don't
    1. know
    1. what
    1. JNDI
    1. name
    1. to
    1. use,
    1. your
    1. team
    1. leader
    1. can
    1. get
    1. it
    1. for
    1. you.
{color} {color:red}Be sure to change the *username* and *password*.{color} {note} You can have more than 1 Resource Definition in your context.xml.&nbsp;&nbsp;The only restriction is that each Resource Definition must have a unique *name*.&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, for each new Resource Definition, you should also add a corresponding ResourceLink.&nbsp;&nbsp;[At the bottom of this page| #context.mxl example] is an example of a context that contains multiple Resource Definitions. {note} \\ When you are satisified that everything is correct, save the changes. # *Configure setenv.bat* (setenv.bat is for Windows system.) {color:red}For non-Windows systems use and convert the code below using the appropriate replacement for *set*.{color} ## Open $\

    1. Be sure to change the username and password.

      You can have more than 1 Resource Definition in your context.xml.  The only restriction is that each Resource Definition must have a unique name.  Also, for each new Resource Definition, you should also add a corresponding ResourceLink.  At the bottom of this page is an example of a context that contains multiple Resource Definitions.

      When you are satisified that everything is correct, save the changes.
  1. Configure setenv.bat (setenv.bat is for Windows system.)
    For non-Windows systems use and convert the code below using the appropriate replacement for set.
    1. Open ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/setenv.bat
    1. with
    1. a
    1. text
    1. editor.
&nbsp;&nbsp;If the
    1.   If the setenv.bat
    1. file
    1. does
    1. not
    1. exist,
    1. create
    1. it.
    1. Add
    1. the
    1. following
    1. to
    1. setenv.bat:
    1. Code Block
      set JAVA_HOME=/path/to/Java/jdk1.6.0_27
      set PATH=
    1. %PATH%;/path/to/maven/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin
      set -Dlogs.dir=${user.home}
      set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
      echo JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%
    1. Be
    1. sure
    1. to
    1. change
    1. the
    1. following:
##* *
      • /path/to/Java
      • -
      • the
      • path
      • to
      • your
      • Java
      • JDK
      • installation.
##* *
      • /path/to/maven
      • -
      • the
      • path
      • to
      • your
      • maven
      • installation.
##* *
      • /path/to/keystores
      • -
      • the
      • path
      • to
      • your
      • truststore
      • JKS
      • and/or
      • keystore
JKS. {note} FOR MAC USERS: You can download a [MAC plugin for managing Environmental Variables | Install the Oracle OC4J standalone server^RCEnvironment-1.4.X.dmg] to set the above environment variables. {note) # *Test the Tomcat installation* ## Open a cmd window, cd to $\
      • JKS.
  1. Test the Tomcat installation
    1. Open a cmd window, cd to ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin
    1. and
    1. start
    1. the
    1. tomcat
    1. server.
    1. Open
    1. a
    1. browse
    1. and
    1. go
    1. to
    1. the
    1. URL:
    1. http://localhost:8080/manager/html.
    1. When
    1. prompted
    1. for
    1. the
    1. username
    1. and
    1. password,
    1. use
    1. gui
    1. for
    1. the
    1. user
    1. name
    1. and
    1. enter
    1. the
    1. password
    1. that
    1. you
    1. choose
    1. in
    1. Step
    1. 1
    1. above.

    1. If
    1. everything
    1. was
    1. done
    1. correctly,
    1. you
    1. will
    1. have
    1. the
    1. following
    1. page
    1. displayed:
!tomcatManager002.jpg! h4. {color:green}Configure Tomcat 7 is now complete{color}

    1. Image Added

Configure Tomcat 7 is now complete


context.mxl example
context.mxl example

Example of a context which contains multiple Resource Definitions


In the example below, the first two Resouce Definitions are identical except for the name property.  
The third Resource Definition differs not only in the name property but also differs in the type property and has an additional factory property.

In general, you can have as many Resource Definitions as you need just as long as each individual Resource Definition has a unique name property.

Code Block
<Context antiResourceLocking="true" crossContext="true" useHttpOnly="false">


    <Resource name="jdbc/MitsisDs"
        logAbandoned="true" />

    <Resource name="jdbc/iap"
        logAbandoned="true" />

    <Resource name="jdbc/ssb"

    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/MitsisDS" name="jdbc/MitsisDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/iap" name="jdbc/iap" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    <ResourceLink global="jdbc/ssb" name="jdbc/ssb" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
