Everyone worked together to create this website. Whenever there was a bug, people would volunteer to solve the problem.
Anurag Kashyap:
- Implemented one grouping of All Jobs (as opposed to multiple groupings [Unassigned, Assigned, etc.]).
- Implemented GR5 version of job assignment widget.
- Implemented GR5 version of job updates widget.
- Implemented starring/marking completion of jobs (linking the middle/right panels together).
- Implemented consistent timestamps among updates/jobs via timeago.js library.
- Wrote initial JavaScript model files (fixit.js).
- Other miscellaneous UI fixes.
- Came up with the name EZ-FIX! :P
- Hopefully was an awesome teammate to work with! :D
- Worked on the update and assign mechanic box.
- Worked on linking together the middle panel and the right panel (e.g. functionality of the star).
- Fixed the CSS/spacing of things.
Jeff Warren:
- Implemented the backend using Firebase.
- Created the basic framework for the website.
Michelle Chen:
- Implemented the modal overlays after clicking each button.
- Implemented GR5 version of job assignment widget (with Anurag).
- Implemented the layout of each job in the middle panel.
- Worked on miscellaneous UI fixes to make sure there is consistency across buttons.
- Included the pictures for various components
- Worked on the implementation of the modal overlays for the different buttons.
- Worked on the assign mechanic section depending on whether or not a mechanic has been assigned.
- Fixed CSS for placement of buttons and other elements.
Rebecca Krosnick:
- Implemented the address book book.
- Implemented labels.
- Implemented search functionality.