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ITSM Program Planning Checklist
ITSM Program Planning Checklist
|T|M|F|1299905435128|1343675967500||Program sponsor identified?|
|T|M|F|1299906630908|1360783403215||Key Stakeholders identified/stakeholder analysis completed?|
|F|M|F|1299905635800|          ||Have features in scope been identified?|
|F|M|F|1299905650502|          ||Have features 'out of scope' been identified?|
|T|M|F|1299905545826|1343675998525||Project Steering Committee members identified, if applicable?|
|F|M|F|1299905507370|          ||Define projects, goals and objectives|
|T|M|F|1299905687953|1360783426933||Have program success criteria been identified?|
|FT|M|F|1299905738068|          |@mit1360783428569||Have risks been identified?|
|F|M|F|1299905772830|          ||Determine if there any conflicts with existing projects|
|F|M|F|1321553069340|          ||Are there any compliance issues to be considered?|
|FT|M|F|1321553101467|          |@mit1360783437402||Are there any audit (internal or external) findings that should be addressed by the program?|
|FT|M|F|1299906058399|          |@mit1360783439364||Will the existing technical infrastructure support this program?|
|FT|M|F|1299905966288|          |@mit1360783441020||Has scope statement been written?|
|FT|M|F|1299906261293|          |@mit1360783442819||Has program approach been determined?|
|FT|M|F|1299905877071|          |@mit1360783446886||Does program require an RT queue?|
|F|M|F|1299906424788|          ||Have resource requests been made to functional managers|
|FT|M|F|1299906396804|          1360783452909||Has preliminary budget been reviewed by finance|
|FT|M|F|1299907528828|          |@mit1360783458719||Has preliminary project schedule been developed?|
|T|M|F|1299905863246|1343676058641||Has project wiki been created?|
|FT|M|F|1299905927841|          |@mit1360783465870||Have program processes been documented|
|F|M|F|1319877694731|          ||Have progrm processes been communicated to the team?|
|F|M|F|1299905757330|          ||Document risk and escalation procedure|
