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Webpages requiring program-specific configuration

webpage ( paths are shown relative to home folder path )description
config.phpglobal variables (see below) and System-Generated Emails
rfp_footer.htmlweb interface footer
instructions_includes/panel_review_instructions.phpPanel Review Instructions

Global Variables (config.php)

$domainURL of host website (e.g.
$ftp_domainURL of host server (e.g.
$home_folder_pathAbsolute path of home folder on host server (e.g. /var/https/htdocs)
$site_titleTitle appearing at top of browser (e.g. MIT Sea Grant College Program)
$SG_pgrmSG program (e.g. MIT Sea Grant)
$granting_instHost institution for SG program (e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
$granting_inst_shortHost institution acronym for SG program (e.g. MIT)
$mysql_connect_path_RFPAbsolute path of mysql connect script for RFP database (e.g. /var/https/mysql_connects/mysql_connect_PC.php)
$mysql_connect_path_PMAbsolute path of mysql connect script for PM database (e.g. /var/https/mysql_connects/mysql_connect_MITSG.php)
$mysql_connect_path_RFP_no_escAbsolute path of mysql remote connect script for RFP database (e.g.






PM_no_escAbsolute path of mysql remote connect script for PM database (e.g.




$public_registrationDetermines whether registration link is visible at Control Panel login. (1 = Yes, 0 = No) If no, then the name and email address for the primary research contact person (see below) is provided instead.
$gen_system_titleDefault system header (e.g.


Proposal Online




colorFull proposal header background color (e.g. #000033)
$fp_banner_font_colorFull proposal header font color (e.g. #CCCCCC)
$pp_banner_bkgd_colorPreliminary proposal header background color (e.g. #330000)
$pp_banner_font_colorPreliminary header font color (e.g. #CCCCCC)
$rep_banner_bkgd_colorProject reporting header background color (e.g.#000033)
$rep_banner_font_colorProject reporting header font color (e.g. #CCCCCC)
$pp_rev_system_titlePreliminary proposal review header (e.g. Pre-Proposal Review)
$fp_peer_rev_system_titleFull proposal peer review header (e.g. Full Proposal Peer Review)
$fp_panel_rev_system_titleFull proposal panel review header (e.g. Full Proposal Panel Review)
$rep_system_titleProject reporting header (e.g. Project Reporting)
$admin_rev_system_titleProposal cycle administrative review header (e.g. Proposal Cycle Administrative Review)
$banner_bkgd_imgDefault banner (e.g. images/cape_cod.jpg)
$SG_pgrm_logoDefault logo - large (e.g. images/NUmitsg.jpg)
$SG_pgrm_logo_smDefault logo - small (images/NUmitsg_small.jpg)
$emp_research_nameName of primary contact for research questions
$emp_budgets_nameName of primary contact for budget questions
$emp_tech_nameName of primary contact for website technical questions
$emp_comm_nameName of primary contact for communications questions
$emp_research_titleTitle of primary contact for research questions
$emp_budgets_titleTitle of primary contact for budget questions
$emp_tech_titleTitle of primary contact for website technical questions
$emp_comm_titleTitle of primary contact for communications questions
$emp_research_phonePhone # of primary contact for research questions
$emp_budgets_phonePhone # of primary contact for budget questions
$emp_tech_phonePhone # of primary contact for website technical questions
$emp_comm_phonePhone # of primary contact for communications questions
$emp_research_emailEmail address of primary contact for research questions
$emp_budgets_emailEmail address of primary contact for budget questions
$emp_tech_emailEmail address of primary contact for website technical questions
$emp_comm_emailEmail address of primary contact for communications questions
recaptchalib.phpRelative path to recaptcha
$privatekeyRecaptcha private key
$publickeyRecaptcha public key