Ben Bitdiddle is a junior in college, studying mechanical engineering. He lives a fast paced life serving as editor of his school newspaper, The Herald in addition to taking six classes and searching for summer internships. He’s an active user of multiple social networking sites and is very tech-savvy. He travels a lot, between visiting friends at other colleges, going to job interviews, and visiting home.
- Interview UA President: Alice and Cy
- Interview Provost: Alice, Ben, and Louis
- Take Photographs: Cy
- Write article: Alice, Cy, and Louis
- Edit article: Ben
Ben (username bdiddle) decides to use BucketList to organize this article.
Overall, this design stresses the simplicity and efficiency of the user experience. There is only one page to navigate, and there are clear buttons for all major tasks. It is easy for users to see everything they need to do, and quick to accomplish tasks, both for new and experienced users. The main focus of this design is the bulletin board metaphor, which makes the note-taking / sharing functionality the key functionality of BucketList.
Design 2
Landing Page
The landing page will contain a simple login in on the top section and a signin in the center.
There will be a small description of what BucketList is somewhere on the page. The main focus of the clean and uncluttered design of this page is to ensure that the user spends the least amount of time on the page and gets to organize their life as quick as possible.
Main UI
After a user logs in, this is the page where they will be spending most of their time. So it must look as clean as possible.
All in all, we would like to keep the main UI of our group task organizing web app as simple and straight to the point as possible. It will always keep what is important in view to the user at all times.
Design 3
Analysis of Design 3