Creating an unusual interaction with concerts was both exciting and challenging to us. Since Dealing with these views was exactly as risky as we expected. Since we were steeped in the world of data visualization, graphs that made sense to us needed some clarification to others. For example, we realized that the idea of an interactive graph was still a little unusual to most of our users, especially ones from our target population. Thus, at each stage, we had to ensure that our graph had excellent visible affordances. User . Consistency across pages was extremely useful. Once users learned about node coloring and filtering, they could use these tools across all three visualizations. User feedback was vital to us, since we had almost no similar interfaces to guide us. In response, we attempted to address all of our user’s concerns in each stage of the process.
Our computer prototype was so thoroughly implemented that it was essentially our final implementation. This was excellent, since it allowed us essentially iterate our had essentially all the backend functionality of the implementation, which allowed us to concentrate on iterating the interface. This is something we would definitely do again, given the chance. Heuristic evaluation helped us identify several usability problems, and we had the ability to concentrate solely on fixing these issues. We really enjoyed working with the technology stack we chose, since it allowed for rapid computer prototyping.