GR2: Design
Alice, Bob, and Christine are doing a research project together at MIT. They have a research paper submission in a week. After several days of struggling to get arrange meetings and failing to get the whole group together, they decide to take advantage of an app that they have, called Discover.Me, that can better facilitate their meetings.
Panel | |
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Alice |
After Bob accepts the request, she decides to create the event. |
- Navigates to the “Invite Friends” page
- Types in Bob's name in the search bar
- Sees a list of her friends, narrowed down to names similar to “Bob”, and selects Bob
- Repeats this process with Christine
While doing some reading, she is distracted by her phone lighting up. |
Panel | ||||||
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Bob |
Later, he checks again for the event invite. |
Panel |
| ||||||
Christine |
Design #1
Task | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
Design #2
Sub -Task | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
Design #3
Find A Friend | Launch App | | This is the entry point of the application, and is the first screen that the user faces when it is first launched. This is termed the Home Screen. | By using icons in the Action Bar as opposed to menu buttons with text, it encourages learning by exploring. | The Action Bar's location at the top of every window makes it quick for a user to access any of the 3 key menus without having to cycle back and forth in order to reach any of them. | The locate button next to the search bar allows a quick way for Alice to return to where she is located should she have strayed far away whilst looking at someone else's position. This saves user time in trying to pan back to his/her original location. |
| Listing Friends. | | Alice wants to view the list of friends that she has using this app, and also approved her. She taps on the Friends Icon on the Action Bar, and it pops and overlaying dialogue. It currently shows two of her friends, Boris and Christine which are sorted alphabetically. Alice wants to search for for Bob to add to this list, and taps the icon with the `+'-plus sign on the top right of the dialog. | The overlaying dialog box is used for all three icons on the action bar and we maintain internal consistency by using the same speech bubble dialog whenever each menu is accessed. | By using a overlaying dialog instead of switching to a separate view, a user can quickly dismiss the dialog and return to the map view (lying behind it) with just a single tap. | The overlay dialog box can only be dismissed by tapping on the Friends Icon. Because it is relatively small compared to the dialog, and located away from the tapping zones covering the list view and the add button, it becomes a *pointing task. *There is little chance of dismissing the dialog without intending to. |
Add a Friend | Searching for Bob. | | The app dismisses the dialog box, and presents the user with the Add Friend screen. An icon with a left-arrow is the Back Button, which dismisses the page and brings the user back to the previous page (the Home Screen in this case.) should she change her mind. | As Alice types in Bob's name, suggestions guide the user into finding the person he/she is looking for. The list is automatically refreshed and populated with user's names from the directory, | There exists a clear text button indicated by a circle with an 'x' within it. This allows the user to efficiently clear the search text box as opposed to have to press backspace/delete multiple times in order to clear a name with a long sequence of characters. | The soft-keyboard pops up automatically, and focus is also automatically given to the search bar.This prevents any mode errors, (for instance if the user had to first tap on the search bar manually before the keyboard came up, the user might have just been staring at the empty list assuming something was supposed to happen). |
| Viewing Bob's profile and sending an "Add Request" to Bob. | | The app brings up the Information View. It lists Bob's name, email-address, office and any other profile information as already available on his public MIT directory listing. Alice knows that this is the Bob she is looking for, and taps on the Send Friend Request button to confirm her intent to send a request to this particular Bob to add as a friend in Discover.Me. | By keeping the information screen simple and uncluttered, and using terminology externally consistent with that used in the MIT directory, Alice will be able to identify if the current "Bob" is the one she is looking for. | If for any reason Alice wants to email Bob, she can simply tap on the email entry which should natively bring up the Mail application of the device she is working on. This saves her from having to first close the app and force her to have to recall the email address before sending an email. | In order to prevent an accidental request being sent by a mis-tap, a confirmation dialog should ask Alice whether she wants to proceed with sending the friend request after she has tapped on it. |
| Receiving confirmation from Bob through a Notification. | | After Bob's approval of Alice's request, Alice is notified by a counter on the Notifications icon in the Action Bar. Alice taps on the icon to bring up the Notifications dialog, and there she sees that Bob had accepted her request. She dismisses the dialog. | Because the counter on the notifications icon appears in real-time, it provides a call for attention. It also provides an affordance that the icon has to be tapped in order to attend to the call. | Alice can easily view the number of requests without having to manually refresh or enter the Notifications page because of the live counter. | One safety issue here would be if Alice taps on the Notifications Icon, and accidentally dismisses it, the counter would have reset and the items in the list which were initially marked as unread would no longer be in that state. |
| Viewing location of all approved friends. | | This reveals the Home Screen once again. The Map View shows an additional _Blue-_dot, which corresponds to the newly-added Bob's location (Building 19). Alice notices that both Christine (Building 20) and Bob(Building 19) are located relatively close to her (Building 20). She decides that it could possibly be a good time to arrange a meeting for all three of them for a cup of coffee. She taps on the Events Icon in the Action Bar. | This is the same as the Home View from earlier, except that it should be immediately visible that the number of friends has increased because of the addition of the new dot on the map screen. | Efficiency issues covered earlier in similar screen. | Safety issues covered earlier. |
Invite Friends to an Event | Viewing listed events. | | The app launches the Events List dialog. Alice notices that she has no scheduled events from the dialog that pops up. She taps on the "+"-plus icon to create a new event. | Using the ""-plus graphic+ maintains external consistency as it is a widely adopted icon to indicate the affordance of being able to add something. | When the list is populated, the user can easily flick-to-scroll across the list at high speeds. | No specific safety issue here. |
| Creating an event for friends - Bob, Christine and Alice herself. | | The Create New Event view is brought up. It provides text boxes for Alice to fill up, corresponding to the details of the event she wants to organize right now. The Title is a self-defined title which best describes the event. The Location text box is used to define the location of the event. The Time section indicates the Start Time, End Time and Time-Zone of the event. The Participants text box lists the participants of the event and the Comments text box is a free-entry text for an additional information the organizer might want to add. | Each of the text boxes used are widgets which provide the* affordance* that they can be tapped to have their contents change. | The page provides all the information about the event, and sub-menus are only required to be accessed if edits are required. | As further illustrated later, by allowing the user to use context specific sub menus to adjust the location, timing and participants, it allows the user to be less likely to make a mistake (picking building 41 instead of 14 for instance). |
| Selecting a location for the event. | | This brings Alice to the Map View, but it is in the mode which allows her to tap on a location to select a location for the event she is creating. A small semi-transparent note instructs her on how to select a location. Alice decides that Building 24 is a good location that is close to all three of them. She also really likes the coffee there. She taps on Building 24 on the screen to indicate her choice. | The semi-transparent notice indicates to the user that the mode has changed, and clearly instructs Alice, the user, on how to achieve her goal of picking a location. | By being able to simply tap a location and having the system populate the text representation of the location, it saves time. | Mode error is reduced because of the persistent text that is on-screen, even though the view is similar to the Map View on the Home Screen. |
| Confirming the location for the event. | | A Pin Icon animates and drops on the point Alice tapped. White Lines are drawn to between a participant and the pin location to indicate that he/she is invited. It thus shows that Alice, Bob and Christine are all invited to participate in the event. | Because the Pin Icon animates onto the location, the user's attention is brought to focus on the location. The confirmation menu only pops up after the pin drops, and it also states in text what the location Alice | The user can view immediately the number of participants, their proximity to the event location and their responses because of the lines connecting the dots to the event pin. | The confirm and cancel options will allow a user to make a change in location in the event a wrong place was tapped, making the action reversible. |
| Selecting participants for the event. | | The Select Participants view is brought up. It presents the list of friends that Alice has (corresponding the to Friend's List). Check-boxes are located on the left of each cell containing the friend's name. There is a search bar located at the top to enable Alice to search for people by typing, or she can make use of the fast-alphabetical scroll-bar located on the right of the screen. | The use of menus, checkboxes and search bars allow internal and external consistency, so a user like Alice would already be familiar with how to interact with them and their uses. | The quick-alphabetical-scroll allows Alice to scroll through her contact list quickly, even in the event she has many friends listed. | The indicator at the bottom showing the number of people selected adds as a sanity check for the user to ensure he/she has invited the corrected number of participants. |
| Reviewing and sending the event to friends - Bob and Christine. | | Alice is returned back to the Create New Event screen. The information which she has provided is now reflected in the screen. She is happy with her selection and taps the Done button to confirm that she wants to create the event and invite the selected participants to it. | The changes that Alice has made is immediately reflected in the user interface. | Efficiency issues covered previously. | Alice may continue to make changes at this point. Other safety issues regarding this UI was covered earlier. |
| Viewing the created event | | The screen is dismissed and Alice is returned to the Home Screen. A non-blocking semi-transparent overlay notifies Alice that the invite has been successfully sent out to the users. Alice taps on the Events Icon to bring up the Events List again. It is now populated with her recently created event, giving a summary of the title, date, time and location of the event. Alice may tap on the event to make changes to it, but she does not have any reason to do so right now. She awaits the acceptance of the invite from both Bob and Christine. | The semi transparent overlay acts as visual feedback that the action of sending the invite has completed successfully. | The list compactly represents the event that Alice created. | Alice can simply make modifications to the event by tapping on it and reaching the Modify Event Screen (covered later). This will allow her to make changes and resend the invitations out. |
| Receiving notification of an event. | | On Bob and Christine's side, they receive a Notification in their app, which once against is indicated on the counter above the Notifications Icon. Tapping on the icon brings up the Notifications dialog once again. | The notification acts similar to the one covered earlier when talking about an incoming friend's request. The issues with learnability would be similar in this case. | The reciepients Bob and Christine, can easily access details fo the event by tapping on the entry in the notification view. | Safety issues similar to the ones covered earlier. |
RSVP to an Event Invitation | Viewing the event details and accepting the invitation. | | On their respective phones and apps, Bob and Alice tap on the cell in the Notifications dialog. This brings up the View Event screen, which is similar to the Map View. At the top, the title of the event "Coffee" is listed, as well as the participants invited as indicated by dots on the screen. The pin corresponds to the location. | The map view provides information regarding the event title and time, and the visual representation clearly indicates the location of the event. | The recipients can easily see the number of people invited to the event, as well as where the event is going to be held without further navigation. | The Accept & Reject buttons have no confirmation dialog. The confirmation dialog is unnecessary because all responses to events can be modified in the Events Menu. |
| Proposing a change to the event. | | The Propose Change view pops up for Christine, which is similar to what Alice saw in her Create Event screen. It is populated with the details of the event. Since Christine only wants to change the time of the event, she taps on the Time section. | Because certain options are greyed out, it marks that the affordance for Christine to modify them is not available. | Christine can easily make modifications to the Location, Time or Participants by making use of the Compass and "+"-plus icon. | The greyed out options make it impossible for Christine to make alterations to parts of the event which shouldn't be modified. |
| Proposing a change of time for the event. | | This brings up_ the Start & End Time view. Christine may alter the Start Time, End Time, Time Zone or Date of the event. She wants to suggest shifting the event _back by one hour, so that the event now starts at 3:00 PM instead of 2:00 PM. She taps on the Start, and uses the Date & Time ticker at the bottom to modify the start time to 3:00PM. As she changes the time, it gets reflected in the corresponding sections in the top half of the screen. The End Time automatically shifts back by one hour to 4:00PM, so as to maintain the duration of the meeting. She is done, so she taps on the Done button. | The ticker is used across standard mobile devices when it comes to selecting date and time, so it helps with external consistency. The use of* Today as opposed to just the present date helps to reduce the need to *recall what the day is. | By highlighting Today, it allows the user to quickly be oriented as to what the present day is, and allow them to quickly select the next day or previous day because of this frame of reference. | The use of the ticker automatically ensures that times that are chosen are valid (i.e. selecting a time and data in the past is not possible). |
| Receiving a notification for a proposed change to the event. | | Alice receives a notification, and taps on the Notification Icon to view the list of notifications received. She sees Christine's proposed change as the latest, unread notification. She taps on it to view the details of the changes. | Learnability issues similar to those covered previously. | The user can easily reach the Modify Event menu by tapping on the entry in the list. | Safety issues similar to those covered previously in the Notifications Menu. |
| Reviewing proposed changes to event | | This brings up the Modify Event view. Alice can see that the Time of the event has been modified, because there is an *-asterisk next to that section. The modified time as proposed by Christine is now reflected in that section, and at the bottom, a summary of proposed changes by Christine is shown. Alice is happy to shift the event to 3:00PM and clicks on Done to resend the new invitation out back to Bob and Christine. | The *-asterisk and the message at the bottom is externally consistent with its usage as a indicator for change. | The event Start Time and End Time was changed and reflected automatically. | Safety issues similar to those covered previously in the Create Event Menu. |
| Confirming the event | | Bob sees the updated invitation and accepts it. | The Tick graphic helps to indicate that responses have been added. | The user can easily access the Modify Menu by tapping on the entry. | Changes can be proposed by tapping the entry, which will bring the user back to the Modify Event menu. |
Design #2
Task | Sub task | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
Find a Friend | Open Application |
| This is the Home Screen of this application. | This home screen displays all the functionalities offered by this application in one place. It encourages learning by doing, especially since all the task icons are labelled which facilitates a user who has a specific goal he/she wants to achieve. All the icons have a relevant picture to increase the information scent. | Because user can directly identify which icon is most relevant to the task they have in mind, they can directly got to the relevant page, instead of steering thorough multiple pages, making it a very efficient home page. | Because of clearly labelled, discrete and task-specific menus, the user is less likely to select a wrong option to achieve his/her goal. |
| View Friend list |
| Upon tapping on the first icon, labelled "Friends", Alice, the user, is presented with this screen. It contains the list of existing friends of the Alice. The list is displayed in alphabetical order. Alice can scroll up and down by finger or use the fast-alphabetical-scroll bar on right for fast retrival in case the list is long. | This display is externally consistent with how the contact list is commonly displayed in smart-phones. By allowing flick-to-scroll, the user is able to make use of direct manipulation in interacting with the contact list. | the fast-scroll makes it very efficient to browse the list of friends. | The consistently placed Home Button located in the top-left always allows the user to return back to the main menu - Home page. |
| | Tapping the name of a friend brings up this screen. | This page is simple and clearly labeled. | This page contains efficient direct links to find a friend on map, and also to create an event. | All the actions user perform on this page can be undone by navigating back. |
| Find a friend on map |
| Alice taps the name of Christine to see where she is currently. | This screen uses the same map interface as provided by Google Maps. This external consistency will allow users to be familiar with how to interact with the Map View without having to be trained due to their familiarity with the existing Google Maps interface. | It allows zooming in and out, the panning of the distance is based on the zoom level. | User complete control over how much zoom in they want the map to be, and zooming action can be undone by zooming out. |
Add Friend | Look up a person in common directory |
| Alice realizes that Bob is not on her friend list. so she taps the "+" button on her Friend list page. which brings her to this screen. | The terminology used is externally consistent with common vocabulary as well as other social networking media, therefore it is easy to learn. | The search is adaptive and shows inline results as the user types next letter of the name, making it efficient. | Users need not concern themselves with viewing out-dated search results from previous searches lingering. |
| View Profile | | Alice found Bob and tapped on his name. | This screen is very simple and contains only the very basic components, making it easy to use for even a new user | This page, in order to let user review the details and confirm the person's identity, actually slow the process of adding a friend by one step. But on the other hand it ensures that user identify the person before adding him/her. | At any time user can cancel the friend request. and the buttons with long term effect are placed strategically away from navigation buttons. |
| Add as Friend | | Alice taps Add as Friend Button to add Bob, and this screen pops up. | All the buttons are clearly labeled and are internally consistent with the use of vocabulary. | the text fields are auto filled decreasing the users responsibility in the overall procedure, increasing the efficiency. | User can cancel friend request process at any time. |
| If the person whose profile is being displayed is already a friend, this screen will show up instead. The map button is enabled now to allow Alice to view the users on the Map View. | all these three profile views are consistent with each other. therefore do not require users to learn or memorize the details. | Showing a consistent view for all search results including people who are "Already Friends", "Pending Friends" or "Not a Friend yet" eliminates the need for the user to go back and forth in his/her friend list to make sure the person he/she is trying to add is not already added in his/her friend list. This way users don't need to memorize friend list and still do the tasks efficiently. | All user actions are reversible. |
Invite friends to an event | Create event |
| After receiving approval notification from Bob, Alice now creates an event. | This screen is easy to learn because it is externally consistent with other smart phone applications such as Calender and Alarm. | features such as "Selecting multiple friends" and "ticker" for start and end time makes it efficient. | A dialogue box pops up when the user tapps "send invite" button, asking for confirmation. making user to think twice before actually sending out the invite. |
RSVP to an Event | View Event Invite list |
| When Bob and Christine get an event invitation, a notification pops on their hoem screen. | This screen puts all the important information about an event in one easy to browse through list. | This page displays time and location of the event against each event making it faster for user to browse through for a specific event. | The user can undo all their actions by navigating back. |
| View event details and location |
| Tapping the event name brings the user to even details screen. This screen displays the details just like a create event page did. except that the button on the bottom now says "send RSVP" | All the buttons are clearly labeled and are internally consistent with the use of vocabulary. |
| All user actions are reversible, by navigating back |
| View event on Map |
| Tapping the map button against friend opens map and shows event on map. | All the buttons are clearly labeled and are externally consistent with the Google maps. |
| All user actions are reversible, by navigating back* * |
| Send RSVP | | RSVP page contains option "Accept" and "Reject" along with a optional field for "additional notes". | All the buttons are clearly labeled and are internally consistent with the use of vocabulary. |
| All user actions are *reversible, *by navigating back |
Reschedule | View list of events |
| This is the page user can view all the events. Each event has location and time againt its name. making it easier for the user to browse through the list for a specific event on a scpeicfic day and location. | This screen puts all the important information about an event in one easy to browse through list. | This page displays time and location of the event against each event making it faster for user to browse through for a specific event. |
| View RSVPs |
| Since Alice was the creator of this event, the View RSVPs button is available and enabled for her in the Event Details page. This will bring up the View RSVPs screen as shown. | the arrowhead has the affordance of a link to details. | All the responses are on one page and user can efficiently scroll through the list. | User can only perform navigation actions and they can undo by using the "back" button. |
| Edit details |
| The is a Edit Button exists at the top, which Alice taps on. This brings her to the Update Event page, which is similar to that of the Create Event page from earlier. The fields are automatically populated with the details from the event. | This screen is internally consistent with the "Create Event" screen, therefore is easy to learn. | If there is a slight change in events' plan user can update the event details instead of canceling the event and creating a new event and filling out all the unchanged event details. | A dialogue box pops up when the user tapps "send update" button, asking for confirmation. making user to think twice before actually updating the event. |
Design #3
Subtask | Sub Taks | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
Add a Friend | Entering theHome Screen |
| This is the home page of out Application. | The screen presents few details to Alice. She sees some of her Friends and quickly realizes that she can find more friends by scrolling down the list or by using the Search text bar. | Alice can immediately search for her friends by tapping the Search text bar near the top of the screen. She has one-tap access to a listing of her Events and Friend Invitations. | Buttons and selections are made large so that Alice can tap the right targets on the screen. Alice may accidentally hit the Exit button when she taps on the Search text bar. |
| Looking up for friends |
| Alice taps on the text search bar near the top of the screen. | The Keyboard automatically appears telling Alice to begin typing. Alice is familiar with this feature from using other apps. | It isn't clear whether there are other option for Alice to find her friends besides searching for their names. | The keyboard is rather compact and Alice may find herself accidentally hitting the wrong key. |
| Adding as Friends |
| Alice types "Bob" in the search bar. | Alice sees the same list of friends as she saw on the home screen, so she is familiar with the user interface. The buttons to add a friend are colored brightly so that Alice knows she can perform an action by tapping the button. | As Alice types "Bob," the list updates to show close matches to her entry. For longer names, this could allow Alice to find her friend without typing in his entire name. | Alice may want to add Bob as a friend but accidentally hits Borat's "Add" button. We can ask Alice to confirm when she taps to add a friend, but this will increase the number of steps she has to perform. |
Find a Friend | Viewing Friend's Location |
| Now that Alice and Bob are friends, they can view each other's locations on a map. | Once Alice selects her friend, a map shows Bob's current location. Furthermore, a blue dot shows Alice's current location. Alice is familiar with the blue dot representing her location, since it is also used in the iPhone's Map app. | Depending on the level of zoom, Alice may need to further zoom in or zoom out of the map. There is a tradeoff between presenting a large map including most her friends' locations, or showing a detailed and smaller map. | If Alice "flicks" her finger past the screen, there is danger that the current map view will be lost. It will take her some steps recreate the map screen showing her and Bob's location. |
| Viewing Friend's Profile |
| Alice clicks on the balloon with Bob's name to open Bob's profile. | Bob's profile includes his phone number and email appearing in blue with underlines. This provides Alice with an affordance to click these entries. | By selecting Bob on the map view, Alice immediately sees Bob's profile. She can click on Bob's email or phone number to contact Bob. | If Alice accidentally taps Bob's phone number, then she will begin making a call to him. We can ask Alice to confirm the call, although this will require her to make more selections to accomplish her tasks. |
| Viewing the Events Screen |
| Alice sees a list of events she has been invited to or will be attending. | Alice will find this view similar to the earlier Friends view. However, she may not immediately realize that she can adjust the time range of events by tapping on the button on the top-right. | The Events tab allows Alice to immediately see the events she has been invited to or will be attending. Furthermore, she can add an event with one tap. However, if Alice has a longer list of events, there is no option for her to search for the events by keyword. However, Alice can choose to view only events happening in: 1 day, 3 days, 1 week. | Alice may accidentally select the wrong time-range on the top-right drop-down tab. The drop-down tab is rather small, compared to the other selection boxes on the screen. |
Invite friends to an Event | Adding an Event |
| A New Event page opens allowing Alice to create a new event and invite friends. | The boxes to enter Event info is brightly colored, providing Alice with an affordance to click on the fields and enter new data. | When adding an event, Alice immediately sees the event info she needs to provide. She can select the time using a drop down box. The drop-down box may require longer time to fill in the information. | Alice can select the time using a drop-down box, which prevents her from typing in a wrong time (e.g. 10:70) |
| Inviting Friends |
| Alice taps the Search text bar at the top of the Invite Friends page. | Alice is familiar with these interface from the Search Friends screen she used earlier. Furthermore, she recognizes that she can tap on certain users to invite them, just as she has previously tapped to add users as friends. | When Alice types the Search button in the Invite Firends field, she will encounter a list of her friends. Alice can also quickly search for friends she wants to invite. | Similar to the earlier Add Friends function, Alice may find herself accidentally inviting the wrong friend if she mistaps. To prevent this, we can ask Alice to confirm before sending invitations. However, this would slow down the task process for her. |
RSVP to an Event | Receiving Event Notifications |
| Christine, whom Alice invited, received the invite and wishes to change the event to a later time. | If Alice encounters this notification when she is not using the Discover.Me app, she may not realize the notification relates to the Discover.Me app. | The notification concisely tells Alice about Christine's proposal to change the event. To present the notification concisely, no additional information is shown about the proposed event changes. | There is no safety issue because Alice cannot make any selections during the time the notfication box appears. |
| Accepting a Changed Event |
| If Alice receives the notification while not using Discover.Me, we can immediately transition to this screen in Discover.Me. This will help Alice immediately realize the previous notification relates to Discover.Me | If the notification immediately transitions to this Discover.Me screen, then Alice may find the action disruptive. She may be using another app and find it difficult to return to the previous app she is using. | If the notification immediately transitions to this Discover.Me screen, then Alice may find the action harmful. For example, she may be in the middle of texting a friend. This might cause her to tap incorrectly and accidentally accept the updated event. |
| A pop-up box appears telling Alice that she has accepted the changes and that updated invitations will be sent to all people she originally invited. | Alice is familiar with notifications because they are used in other smartphone apps. | The notification concisely tells Alice about Christine's proposal to change the event. To present the notification concisely, no additional information is shown about the event details which have been changed. | There is no safety issue because Alice cannot make any selections during the time the notfication box appears. |
| Viewing Event Status |
| Alice can scroll down the event list to see the list of friends she has invited. | Alice views the event info recorded in the same format which she previously input info into. Therefore, she will know where to find certain fields containing info about the event. | If Alice has invited a lengthy list of friends to the event, then she must scroll further down to view the entire list. We can make the friends text shorter to fit more names in a page. However, doing so makes makes it more difficult for Alice to find and select certain friends on the list. | If Alice selects taps on any of the fields displayed on this page, she will be taken to a subpage. This makes navigation cumbersome, since Alice would have to hit back to return to the Events page. |
Subtask | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety | |
Entering the Home Screen |
| The screen presents few details to Alice. She sees some of her Friends and quickly realizes that she can find more friends by scrolling down the list or by using the Search text bar. | Alice can immediately search for her friends by tapping the Search text bar near the top of the screen. She has one-tap access to a listing of her Events and Friend Invitations. | Buttons and selections are made large so that Alice can tap the right targets on the screen. Alice may accidentally hit the Exit button when she taps on the Search text bar. | |
Searching for friends |
| The Keyboard automatically appears telling Alice to begin typing. Alice is familiar with this feature from using other apps. | It isn't clear whether there are other option for Alice to find her friends besides searching for their names. | The keyboard is rather compact and Alice may find herself accidentally hitting the wrong key. | |
Finding and Adding Friends |
| Alice sees the same list of friends as she saw on the home screen, so she is familiar with the user interface. The buttons to add a friend are colored brightly so that Alice knows she can perform an action by tapping the button. | As Alice types "Bob," the list updates to show close matches to her entry. For longer names, this could allow Alice to find her friend without typing in his entire name. | Alice may want to add Bob as a friend but accidentally hits Borat's "Add" button. We can ask Alice to confirm when she taps to add a friend, but this will increase the number of steps she has to perform. | |
Viewing Friend's Location |
| Once Alice selects her friend, a map shows Bob's current location. Furthermore, a blue dot shows Alice's current location. Alice is familiar with the blue dot representing her location, since it is also used in the iPhone's Map app. | Depending on the level of zoom, Alice may need to further zoom in or zoom out of the map. There is a tradeoff between presenting a large map including most her friends' locations, or showing a detailed and smaller map. | If Alice "flicks" her finger past the screen, there is danger that the current map view will be lost. It will take her some steps recreate the map screen showing her and Bob's location. | |
Viewing Friend's Profile |
| Bob's profile includes his phone number and email appearing in blue with underlines. This provides Alice with an affordance to click these entries. | By selecting Bob on the map view, Alice immediately sees Bob's profile. She can click on Bob's email or phone number to contact Bob. | If Alice accidentally taps Bob's phone number, then she will begin making a call to him. We can ask Alice to confirm the call, although this will require her to make more selections to accomplish her tasks. | |
Viewing the Events Screen |
| |
Adding an Event |
| |
Inviting Friends |
| |
Receiving Event Notifications |
| Accepting a Changed Event |
| A pop-up box appears telling Alice that she has accepted the changes and that updated invitations will be sent to all people she originally invited. |
| |
Viewing Event Status |