- Target Customer: Nicole
- Customer Need: Steph
- Market Category: Darcy
- Key Benefit: Darcy
- Competition: Steph
- Unique Differentiator: Nicole
Some samples of each above, from Nicole's brainstorm: (don't share with group before they brainstorm... let's see what they come up with)
Target customer: libraries staff, specific depts. within the librareis, MIT staff, MIT community, other academic libraries, leadership of MIT Libraries
Customer need: knowledge of different communities at MIT, need to innovate, need to improve library services, need to develop library of the future, need to be relevant, need to provide services that are easy to use
Market category: library departments, assessment services
Key benefit: in-depth knowledge of MIT users, synthesized contextual data about our users' behavior and needs, fresh perspective, UX skills & expertise
Competition: library surveys, focus groups, hearsay, individual comments (from a vocal few), preconceived notions, staff opinions, nothing
Unique differentiator: timely, specific to our various communities, relevant, holistic
Small groups:
- Nicole, Remlee, LisaS
- Darcy, LisaH, Georgiana
- Steph, Melissa, Wendy
Elevator pitch template:unmigrated-wiki-markup
“You know how \ [target customer\] has \ [customer need\]? The UX Group is a \ [market category\] that \ [one key benefit\]. Unlike \ Unlike [competition\], the UX Group \ [unique differentiator\].”
“You know how parents after their kids are grown want to get rid of all their baby stuff without giving it all away for nothing? KidStuff is an online auction website that lets them sell their used baby stuff. Unlike eBay, KidStuff will offer to buy it from them if it’s not sold within a week.“