GR1 - Project Proposal and Analysis
User analysis
We have identified five main user classes:
- Persona: Eric is really good friends with Jake, and Jake's friends just uploaded some funny pictures of him from his Spring Break trip. Eric doesn't really know Jake's friends, but Jake really wants Eric to see some of the photos from these Spring Break albums. Jake finds the ones he likes and sends them individually to Eric to view.
Task analysis
Task 1: Upload photos
- Goal: Upload photos in an intuitive and efficient manner
- Precondition: Have photos on local storage and select the desired photos
- Postcondition: Photos uploaded
Task 2: Share photos with groups
- Goal: Share photos to desired group or groups
- Subtask: pick from uploaded photos
- Subtask 1: Pick photos from computer
- Precondition: Have uploaded photos on local storage
- Postcondition: Select desired photosphotos to be shared among a group or groups
- Subtask 2: Determine Determine which group or groups that the photos will be available to
- Precondition: Understand the concept of groups and belong to groups
- Postcondition: Select the photos to be available to particular groups
View photos
- Goal:
- Goal: View individual or batch photos in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing way
- Subtask: View individual photo by following a link
- Precondition: Have a link to a particular photo
- Postcondition: See the photo
- Subtask: View all photos in a particular group
- Precondition: Belong to a group
- Postcondition: See all photos in that group
- Subtask: Browse casually through all the public photos on the site
- Precondition: none
- Postcondition: none
- Task 3: View photos
Task 4: Commenting on photos
Task Analysis
- Upload a photo
- everyone
- self
- group
- Create/join a group
- View a groups photos
- Group to similar group
- picture to picture
- !Screen shot 2011-02-20 at 10.03.34 PM.png|border=1!Commenting
Domain analysis
- Goal: Be able to comment on individual photos
- Precondition: View a photo
- Postcondition: Leave a comment
Task 5: Group management
- Goal: Be able to create, join, and leave groups easily
- Subtask: Create a group
- Precondition: Know which users to be included in the group
- Postcondition: Create group with the intended users
- Subtask: Join a group
- Precondition: Know which group to join
- Postcondition: Join the group
- Subtask: Leave a group
- Precondition: Belong to a group but no longer want to stay with the group
- Postcondition: Leave the group
- Subtask: Administrate a group
- Precondition: Be the administrator of a group and have requests from other users
- Postcondition: Accept or deny request for joining the group