Heather had communicated she had a prior commitment and was unable to attend.
Tasklist |
|| Completed || Priority || Locked || CreatedDate || CompletedDate || Assignee || Name || |F|M|F|1269356543241| F | M | F | 1269356543241 | | bskinner@mit.edu | Blake to produce updated Base VM - Thu 4/1 | |F|M|F|1269356597196| F | M | F | 1269356597196 | | bbulmer@mit.edu | Brian to make Admin Staff VM - Thu 4/8 | |F|M|F|1269356489901| F | M | F | 1269356489901 | | bblumer@mit.edu | Brian to send Blake the Security Policy - Fri 3/19 | |F|M|F|1269356573779| F | M | F | 1269356573779 | | jmhunt@mit.edu | Jon to make Student VM - Thu 4/8 | |F|M|F|1269357442722| F | M | F | 1269357442722 | | jmhunt@mit.edu | Blake to explore Mirroring My Documents and Desktop on Windows host under VMware Workstation| |T|M|F|1269358072290|1269524564526|lmrobin@mit.edu|Lisa to send Blake url (placeholder) for Base VM launch page - asap| |T|M|F|1269358110820|1269358119714|jmhunt@mit.edu|Jon to send Meeting Minutes| |F|M|F|1269358117808| |jmhunt@mit.edu|Jon to schedule next meeting| |
Thanks to OIS, we have a working large file download server that we can leverage to deploy the VMs. https://downlaodsdownloads.mit.edu/ We can leverage access limitations using MIT Certificates based on the standard user, group, or MIT and the new feature is also to be able to limit access based on affiliation: student, staff (including faculty) and affiliate. Patrick and Jon have the details on configuring this, but it is very similar to the standard .htaccess.mit configuration.