Code Block |
cvs co StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009 |
W-algo Update on Jan 6,
-Remove Justin's "homemade jet finder" (real jet finder will be included shortly)
-Change all track cuts to use primary component instead of global component.
W-algo Upadate on Jan 8, 2010
-Set useETOW=3 as default (use ETOW in near and away side pT sums)
-Add jet finder to algo: rdMuWana.C now reads in muDst and jet trees simultaneously (set option useJetFinder=2 to read trees and muDst)
jet trees for use at APS are located at /star/institutions/iucf/stevens4/wAnalysis/aps2010/jetTree
define and set cut on ptBalance variable