GR6 - User Testing
We knew from the very beginning that one major challenge for our project was visibility. Without written instructions, it would be very hard for users to discover how to use our applications. Therefore, as we iterated our design, we attempted to add more and more appropriate affordances. Below, we describe the evolution of a few key features.
Entire stack selection
Prototype: double click
Final: click inside green circle that appears on stack
We originally thought that double clicking to select the entire stack would be a very useful feature for efficiency. However after the paper prototype and heuristic evaluation, we received criticism that this was not obvious and inconsistent functionality. Therefore, we decided to change our approach to focus on making this action more visible. Users now can select the entire stack by clicking on the green circle that appears on the stack. An alternative design we considered was adding a card fold tab to the stop of the stack (analogous to a page fold tab found in e-books).unmigrated-wiki-markup
Hover mouse icons
Prototype: none
Final: present
One critique we received from our Heuristic Evaluations was the lack of affordances showing interactivity. We decided to change the mouse cursor into a hand pointer when the mouse hovered a card to denote a clickable action.
Note: Our screenshots were mysteriously unable to capture the mouse hover cursor changes that take place.
Select part of stack
Prototype: none
Final: present
This feature was added to give users more control over manipulating their deck. We hoped to increase visibility and feedback by showing the size of each stack.
\[img: select-some.png\]
Re-stacking cards
Prototype: none
Final: present
This feature was also added to give user more direct control when manipulating stacks on the table. We used a green highlight border to give feedback when a stack was dragged near another stack. An alternative design would have been having a dragged stack pre-snap onto the receiving stack when nearby.unmigrated-wiki-markup
Right click select and menu
Prototype: pop-up menu
Final: select entire stack + pop-up menu
One major criticism we received during our Heuristic Evaluation was how right clicking on cards brought up a pop-up menu but did not select that card, leading to confusion. We fixed this and added the additional function of also selecting the entire stack for efficiency purposes.
Taking cards into own hand
Prototype: pop-up menu option
Final: drag and drop cards into own hand area
During our Heuristic Evaluations, we received complaints about how not obvious and tedious this feature was. We aimed to increase user freedom and control by making this feature drag and drop.
Play from hand
Prototype: double click on card in hand area
Final: drag and drop
We discovered this feature to be very limiting during Heuristic Evaluation because our first prototype only allowed playing one card at a time. To expand this feature, we allowed users to play multiple cards simultaneously. Also, for consistency, we made playing cards from the hand also drag and drop.
Selection box
Prototype: none
Final: present
We added this feature to the final version to enhance user control and efficiency. Users would be able to effectively group multiple stacks quicker. However, we observed that this function was rarely discovered and therefore rarely used during our User Testing.
We implemented MetaDeck in Java, using primarily swing components for the front end. We used a standard client-server message protocol, and had a standard MVC architecture on the client side. The model contained all the data that was persistent in the game state, meaning that the different players' clients should have models that are eventually consistent with one another. The view contained the state that was specific to one client, such as the cards that player is currently selecting. Only that player can see the state contained in the view; it does not propagate to their other players' clients. The controller contains all the input listeners, and processes them, changing the model and view appropriately. On the server side, there is a lock for each stack of cards, ensuring that two clients cannot try to move the same cards at the same time. The server also contains its own model, which is necessary since new clients must be able to request the full game state from the server.
We have not had the time to make any fancy graphics, or anything involving animation, so some cool ideas we have of improving visibility have not been implemented. For example, we want to have an animation for shuffling to alert users that a stack has just been shuffled, but cannot think of an easy way to make such an animation.
We chose users by asking friends who we played cards with regularly. They were a good representation of our target audience because these are technology-savvy college students who enjoy card games.
We briefed our users by presenting them with the following scenario.
“Imagine that you and your friends have decided to play bridge using our application. You are
the dealer and so you have been tasked with shuffling and dealing the cards to all players. Afterwards, you will be asked to perform other types of playing actions, simulating as if you were in the middle of an actual game.”
No demo was used during our briefing.
Stage 1: Dealing
- flip over deck
- shuffle
- deal 13 cards to each player
- take 13 into own hand
Stage 2: Playing
- play any 5 card poker hand
- reveal all cards in hand visibly (as if you were the dummy player)
Observations and fixes
1. No visible feedback for shuffle function when deck is flipped
Possible fix: Display a notification pop-up alerting the user that the cards have been shuffled. Alternatively, use an indicator icon to identify randomly shuffled stacks.
2. Hard to select a sub-stack using the trackpad
Observation: Because a trackpad offers less precision than a mouse, having the mouse pointer land on the exact pixel required to select the desired size sub-stack took many attempts.
Possible fix: Encourage users to use a mouse. Alternatively, decrease the mouse speed as it hovers over cards to give users more precision and control.
3. Tedious to play all cards from hand
Observation: Currently, all cards in the hand must be individually clicked once and then dragged onto the table.
Possible fix: Use a selection box that when encompasses the entire hand will select all of the cards in the hand.
4. Right click pop-up menu options not obvious
Observation: Majority of users did not think to use the right click button unless prompted.
Possible fix: Include help menu that makes users aware of this option.
5. No undo or restart game option
Observation: When users accidentally dragged the entire deck into own hand, it was more convenient to restart the application to reset the deck.
Possible fix: Implement an undo function or see possible fix for 3.
Haitao's reflection
All in all, this was a fun project. I'll keep working on it, since it's not really usable yet. Maybe I'll need to do some more user tests before it ends up actually being usable.
Victor's reflection
Perhaps the biggest lesson I learned during the iterative design process was that it is very easy to forget that “you are not the user”. Features that we thought would be beneficial to usability actually turned out to be a hindrance to the user experience. For instance, our quick stack selection feature actually caused confusion and frustration because there was a disconnect between the model of the interaction and the model in the user’s head. Other aspects of the design that we overlooked also contributed negatively to the usability. For example, during our prototype, we simply forgot to implement card boundaries on the table. We did not think too much of this but this turned out to have a huge impact on the usability of the application because it made errors irreversible.
One realization I made was that for users to really enjoy using a product, the core features must be extremely simple and easy to use. A series of small feature victories is much more effective in gaining positive user support and traction as opposed to a single extravagant feature.
The second biggest lesson I learned was that from a design perspective, making things visible is hard. Having the right affordances can go a long way and I’ve noticed that the best affordances are the ones that are hardly noticed. The most effective technique here is to reuse as many affordances as possible and be consistent with other commonly used applications. This is the by far the best way for users to learn the application.
Overall, I found this project to be extremely educational to learning about usability. If I had to redo anything, I would actually incorporate even more user testing and use more test subjects per testBasically, throughout the process of doing this project, I realized that I like dick.