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{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h2. Viewing Grades and Students {bgcolor} {toc:maxLevel=3|minLevel=3|style=list} {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Previewing the Sample Grade Report {bgcolor} When a student clicks Gradebook in the navigation bar, Stellar displays that student's Grade Report. The Grade Report displays only that student's grades, weight percentages, and cumulative score. {toggle-cloak:id=1} You can preview an example of this report and click different configuration options in the preview to see their effect on Grade Report. {cloak:id=1} !student_grade_summary.jpg|border=1! {cloak} *To display the Sample Student Grade Report:* # Click the Configure Gradebook tab. (Click Gradebook in the navigation bar to open the Gradebook.) \\ \\ # Scroll to the bottom of the Configure Gradebook page and click the See Sample Student Grade Report link. The Preview Sample Student Grade Report window opens. The Gradebook configuration options are displayed in the upper portion of the window and a Grade Report below them. The tabs down the left side of the window are different configuration options for the Grade Report. \\ \\ # Click different tabs to see the effects of the options on the Grade Report. As you click tabs, Stellar updates the Grade Report sample and displays the configuration option(s) you need to select. \\ \\ # Click the Save link (in the white box at the bottom of the window) to select and save the settings you want. \\ \\ [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students] {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Viewing Dropped Students {bgcolor} {toggle-cloak:id=18} From the Gradebook page, choose the assignment, and check the Show dropped students box to see the dropped studetns. {cloak:id=18} !droppedstudents.jpg! {cloak} {toggle-cloak:id=19} When the dropped student's names appears, you can also view their GRADE HISTORY. {cloak:id=19} !dropped2.jpg! {cloak} [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students] {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Displaying a Grade's History {bgcolor} *SHOW/HIDE HISTORY* \- Click !history pic .jpg! to toggle viewing a popup overlay of the changes made to the Student's Letter Grade. The popup tells you the current Letter Grade, the Date and Time it was entered, the Action - Create (new but not approved), Change (modified but not approved), or Approve (final and approved){color:#000000}, Original and Makeup; th{color}e Grader's email, and the role of the Grader. - Display the Grade Summary/Assignment or Grade Summary/Student page. -* To display the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook, then click an assignment title. -* To display the Grade Summary/Student page, click the Students tab in the Gradebook, then click a student's name. - Click the grade's !history.jpg! icon. {toggle-cloak:id=20} The History popup opens: {cloak:id=20} !Displaying a Grade's History pic.jpg! {cloak} To close the History popup, click the facing arrows !history_close.jpg! in the popup's title bar. [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students] {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Viewing Grade Summaries {bgcolor} Gradebook pages that display grade summaries, each from a different perspective, are: - Grade Summary/Student: This summary shows all assignment grades for a specific student, including each assignment's maximum points and weight (if applicable). You can also use this page to email the student. - Grade Summary/Assignment: This page shows all grades for a specific assignment. The summary includes the assignment's due date, maximum point value, weight (if applicable), class average, and number of student submissions that have been graded. \\ \\ The view for the graders/TAs/admins etc will be different from the student view. Attached are the different views: h4. Student View {toggle-cloak:id=21} When a student clicks on the "Gradebook" link their Grade Summary will be displayed. The Weighted Score column is only visible when you check the option on the Gradebook [*CONFIGURE PAGE*|Configuring the Gradebook] {cloak:id=21} !student view ss1.jpg! {cloak} h4. Grader / TA / Instructor Views {toggle-cloak:id=22}Graders, TAs, and instructors will see the following when accessing the Gradebook. Access to certain tabs in the Gradebook navigation bar is dependent upon what [*ROLE*|Gradebook Access Overview](i.e. grader, TA, etc) the user has. Graders, for instance, do not have access to the "Letter Grade" tab or the the "Configure" tab. {cloak:id=22} !dashboard.jpg! {cloak} [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students] {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Exporting Student Grade Information {bgcolor} {toggle-cloak:id=23} *EXPORT XLS* \- Data from the *STUDENT/GRADE LIST* can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet (or another spreadsheet application). Excel is the default. {cloak:id=23} !export.jpg! {cloak} \\ *EXPORT CSV* \- Data from the *STUDENT/GRADE LIST* can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet (or another spreadsheet application) with Comma Separated Values. Excel is the default. \\ The export file has the following information for each student: * Name * Username * MIT ID * Section number * Letter grade * Cumulative grade * {color:#000000}Original, actual and makeup grade for each assignment (both approved and unapproved grades){color} To export this information from the Gradebook: * Click the Students tab in the Gradebook. * {color:#000000}Click the Export XLS, Export XLS with makeup grades or Export CSV button.{color} * Select whether to open or save the file. The data can also be exported from the Dashboard: * {toggle-cloak:id=24}Select "Roster XLS", "Roster XLS with makeup grades" or "Roster CSV"from the "Download" drop-down menu. {cloak:id=24} !dropdown menu pic.jpg! {cloak} The full grade history, assignment summaries, and letter grades can also be downloaded from this menu. This spreadsheet will include student name, username, MIT ID, section, letter grade, cumulative grade, and the grades for each assignment (Actual, Original, Makeup grades are optional) {note} * *When importing an excel sheet into the gradebook, you must use the same file you exported - you cannot copy and paste the data into another spreadsheet. There is hidden information contained within the exported spreadsheet that is required for the file to be recognized by the gradebook.* {note} [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students] {bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Gradebook Access Overview {bgcolor} || Role / Action || Add/Edit Grades || Approve Grades || Create/Edit Assignments || Delete Assignments \\ ~(with no grades assigned)~ || Configure Gradebook || Change Approved Grades \\ ~(Note: this changes the grade back to unapproved)~ || | h1. Grader | (/)\\  ~If assignment made~ \\ ~"Accessible to Graders"~ | (x) | (x) | (x) | (x) | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | | h1. TA | (/) | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | (/)\\  ~If given permission~ | | h1. Instructor | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | | h1. Admin | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | (/) | [Return to Top|#Viewing grades and students]


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Viewing Grades and Students

Table of Contents

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Previewing the Sample Grade Report

When a student clicks Gradebook in the navigation bar, Stellar displays that student's Grade Report. The Grade Report displays only that student's grades, weight percentages, and cumulative score.

Toggle Cloak
You can preview an example of this report and click different configuration options in the preview to see their effect on Grade Report.


To display the Sample Student Grade Report:

  1. Click the Configure Gradebook tab. (Click Gradebook in the navigation bar to open the Gradebook.)

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Configure Gradebook page and click the See Sample Student Grade Report link.
    The Preview Sample Student Grade Report window opens. The Gradebook configuration options are displayed in the upper portion of the window and a Grade Report below them. The tabs down the left side of the window are different configuration options for the Grade Report.

  3. Click different tabs to see the effects of the options on the Grade Report.
    As you click tabs, Stellar updates the Grade Report sample and displays the configuration option(s) you need to select.

  4. Click the Save link (in the white box at the bottom of the window) to select and save the settings you want.

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Background Color

Viewing Dropped Students

Toggle Cloak
From the Gradebook page, choose the assignment, and check the Show dropped students box to see the dropped studetns.


Toggle Cloak
When the dropped student's names appears, you can also view their GRADE HISTORY.


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Background Color

Displaying a Grade's History

SHOW/HIDE HISTORY - Click Image Added to toggle viewing a popup overlay of the changes made to the Student's Letter Grade. The popup tells you the current Letter Grade, the Date and Time it was entered, the Action - Create (new but not approved), Change (modified but not approved), or Approve (final and approved), Original and Makeup; the Grader's email, and the role of the Grader.

  • Display the Grade Summary/Assignment or Grade Summary/Student page.
    • To display the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook, then click an assignment title.
    • To display the Grade Summary/Student page, click the Students tab in the Gradebook, then click a student's name.
  • Click the grade's Image Added icon.
    Toggle Cloak
    The History popup opens:

To close the History popup, click the facing arrows Image Added in the popup's title bar.

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Viewing Grade Summaries

Gradebook pages that display grade summaries, each from a different perspective, are:

  • Grade Summary/Student: This summary shows all assignment grades for a specific student, including each assignment's maximum points and weight (if applicable). You can also use this page to email the student.
  • Grade Summary/Assignment: This page shows all grades for a specific assignment. The summary includes the assignment's due date, maximum point value, weight (if applicable), class average, and number of student submissions that have been graded.

    The view for the graders/TAs/admins etc will be different from the student view. Attached are the different views:

    Student View

Toggle Cloak
When a student clicks on the "Gradebook" link their Grade Summary will be displayed. The Weighted Score column is only visible when you check the option on the Gradebook CONFIGURE PAGE


Grader / TA / Instructor Views

Toggle Cloak
Graders, TAs, and instructors will see the following when accessing the Gradebook. Access to certain tabs in the Gradebook navigation bar is dependent upon what ROLE(i.e. grader, TA, etc) the user has. Graders, for instance, do not have access to the "Letter Grade" tab or the the "Configure" tab.


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Background Color

Exporting Student Grade Information

Toggle Cloak
EXPORT XLS - Data from the STUDENT/GRADE LIST can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet (or another spreadsheet application). Excel is the default.


EXPORT CSV - Data from the STUDENT/GRADE LIST can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet (or another spreadsheet application) with Comma Separated Values. Excel is the default.

The export file has the following information for each student:

  • Name
  • Username
  • MIT ID
  • Section number
  • Letter grade
  • Cumulative grade
  • Original, actual and makeup grade for each assignment (both approved and unapproved grades)

To export this information from the Gradebook:

  • Click the Students tab in the Gradebook.
  • Click the Export XLS, Export XLS with makeup grades or Export CSV button.
  • Select whether to open or save the file.

The data can also be exported from the Dashboard:

  • Toggle Cloak
    Select "Roster XLS", "Roster XLS with makeup grades" or "Roster CSV"from the "Download" drop-down menu.

    The full grade history, assignment summaries, and letter grades can also be downloaded from this menu.
    This spreadsheet will include student name, username, MIT ID, section, letter grade, cumulative grade, and the grades for each assignment (Actual, Original, Makeup grades are optional)
    • When importing an excel sheet into the gradebook, you must use the same file you exported - you cannot copy and paste the data into another spreadsheet. There is hidden information contained within the exported spreadsheet that is required for the file to be recognized by the gradebook.

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Gradebook Access Overview

Role / Action

Add/Edit Grades

Approve Grades

Create/Edit Assignments

Delete Assignments
(with no grades assigned)

Configure Gradebook

Change Approved Grades
(Note: this changes the grade back to unapproved)


 If assignment made
"Accessible to Graders"





 If given permission



 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission

 If given permission















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