Spring 24 | Class | Patter | Automatic slide | If you end a call in a wave of any length, slide nose to nose to form a wave of the opposite handedness (e.g. from parallel waves, "extend" would effectively do a cross extend, since the centers end in a wave and do a slide while the ends don't end in a wave so don't do anything different) |
Spring 24 | Class | Singer | Rope around all squares | Very long rope goes around all four of the squares, and the dancers have to keep it off the ground |
Spring 24 | Club | Patter | Back nose | Start facing out of the square and dance walking backwards |
Spring 24 | Club | Singer | Change gender on swing | Every time you swing with someone, switch identities with them |
Fall 23 | Class | Patter | Blindfolds | Two people (who are opposites) in each square wear blindfolds |
Fall 23 | Class | Singer | Stuffed animals | Each square has one dancer replaced with a large stuffed animal |
Fall 23 | Club | Patter | Back to back tandems | People square up back-to-back (16 people per square), and dance as back-to-back tandems. There is a new call that switches which person is going forwards and which person is going backwards (so it's choreographically equivalent to a u turn back, but nobody moves) |
Fall 23 | Club | Singer | Shuffled nametags | Everyone writes their name on a paper sticker nametag. Then they are shuffled around, and everyone gets a nametag that isn't theirs. The goal is for everyone to recover their own nametags by the end of the song. The shuffling was distributed between all squares, and Ted called figures with lots of scoot backs / follow your neighbors with squares parallel to each other :) |
Spring 23 | Class | Patter | Hex | https://fortytwo.ws/~cbaker/hexagon.html |
Spring 23 | Class | Singer | Hex |
Spring 23 | Club | Patter | Stars | Like gemini, but each dancer is replaced with a star of ~4 dancers |
Spring 23 | Club | Singer | Gradual phantoms | After verse #n, couple #n promenades to an adjacent phantom square instead of their original square (by the end of the singer, all squares have fully moved over) |
Fall 22 | Class | Patter | Balloons | Keep them in the air while dancing |
Fall 22 | Class | Singer | Boys as couples, girls tandem | (was going to be rope around the square, but we lost the rope, so Ted improvised) Each boy position had two people dancing as couples, each girl position had two people dancing in tandem |
Fall 22 | Club | Patter | "Un" concept | e.g. unstep to a wave, unswing thru, unrelay the deucey |
Fall 22 | Club | Singer | 45° rotation | Squares are rotated 45 degrees relative to head/side walls |
Spring 22 | Class | Patter | Trade with partner | Any time you end a call next to your partner, trade with them |
Spring 22 | Class | Singer | Parasitic gemini | Some dancer or dancers start out gemini, they move around over the course of the tip by switching the gemini pairing when a gemini and a non-gemini are a couple |
Spring 22 | Club | Patter | No diamonds | Skip every call that would end in a diamond (even if it's hard to see, like thars) |
Spring 22 | Club | Singer | Promenade to girl's home | Promenade to the girl's home instead of the boy's home |
Fall 21 | Class | Patter | Pool noodles | Hold a pool noodle in each hand, and use them as if they were your hands |
Fall 21 | Class | Singer | ? |
Fall 21 | Club | Patter | ? |
Fall 21 | Club | Singer | Quadruple generous | Increase every arm turn by a full turn around (so no effect on choreography, just more spinning) |
Fall 19 | Class | Patter | Backwards concept | The dancers imagine their heads are on backwards, and they do the call that way. So, if you called "backwards pass thru", they would back up, passing left shoulders, to end face-to-face. If you called "backwards swing thru", they would backup turning 1/2 by the left, then backup turning 1/2 by the right. In C4 terms, this is "back nose". |
Fall 19 | Class | Singer | Rope around square | the dancers have to keep it up (without holding it with their hands) |
Fall 19 | Club | Patter | Square switching | Each person gets a colored object in their right hand and these get switched between people whenever they have right hands joined. Sometimes the caller will say a color and then the people with objects of that color have to find a new square |
Fall 19 | Club | Singer | Mirror | Squares are danced mirror (left and right switched) |
Spring 19 | Class | Patter | 6 couple rectangles |
Spring 19 | Class | Singer | Square switching | swing & promenade to your couple #'s square |
Spring 19 | Club | Patter | ? |
Spring 19 | Club | Singer | ? |
Fall 18 | Class | Patter | No Hands | Dance without hands (or elbows) |
Fall 18 | Class | Singer | Generous | Use the C3B concept Generous (this went poorly iirc) |
Fall 18 | Club | Patter | Cut in/out | Class members handed club members flowers to cut them out of a square |
Fall 18 | Club | Singer | Gender Switching? | Gender switching upon swing&promenade? |
Spring 18 | Class | Patter | "think" | "think <formation> for <call>" where formation may require reparsing squares; i.e. from facing lines, think columns for an eight chain four, or from waves, think tidal for a grand swing thru. |
Spring 18 | Class | Singer | Rope around square |
Spring 18 | Club | Patter | ? |
Spring 18 | Club | Singer | ? |
Fall 17 | Class | Patter | Accreting Mass | Square starts with one person standing as flagpole center, others join, square dances around the increasingly large flagpole. |
Fall 17 | Class | Singer | Square switching | On each promenade, go to your (new) couple #'s square |
Fall 17 | Club | Patter | ? |
Fall 17 | Club | Singer | ? |
Spring 17 | Class | Patter | no hands |
Spring 17 | Class | Singer | square switching | on each promenade, side couples find a new square |
Spring 17 | Club | Patter | Macarena | Dancers do hand motions of macarena while doing calls; new call "Hey Macarena" where all dancers 1/4 right |
Spring 17 | Club | Singer | Two-faced gemeni | each dancer is represented by a miniwave; after each call dancers within the miniwave trade so the other person is 'driving' |
Fall 16 | Class | Patter | Conference Call | Ted called into his phone; dancers dialed into the conference call to hear the calls. |
Fall 16 | Class | Singer | Roped-in squares | rope around each square at waist height; dancers have to move to keep it from falling down |
Fall 16 | Club | Patter | Tea Party | On the call <ANYONE> Tea Party, the designated dancer or dancers leave their square and go to the exact same spot in the next square around the room in promenade direction. It can be called from any formation and ends (sort of) in exactly the same formation. Of course, <ANYONE> Reverse Tea Party means the designated dancers should move one square in reverse promenade direction around the room. |
Fall 16 | Club | Singer | Through the Looking Glass | Dance with your hands Through The Looking Glass. Cross your right over left, and whenever you would take hands with another dancer, use the hand on that side of your body. Of course, don't forget to uncross your hands for the thank you at the end of the square! |
Spring 16 | Class | Patter | Balloons | Everyone got a latex balloon to hold between their knees while dancing |
Spring 16 | Class | Singer | Balloons | Everyone got a Mylar (helium) balloon on a string, and had to try to keep the balloons untangled while dancing |
Spring 16 | Club | Patter | Gender switch star thru | Everyone switches gender on each star thru - that is everyone star's thru normally, but they switch gender, so it always ends with half-sashayed couples. |
Spring 16 | Club | Singer | Beach balls | They have to keep beach balls aloft in their square while dancing, and are encouraged to throw them into other squares. Note: this descended into chaos, but people seemed to have fun. |
Fall 15 | Class | Singer | Parasitic Accreting Gemini | (See Fall 2012) |
Fall |