User Interface Design 1.5
(pictures and some description go here)
We're SitterPlan and our goal is to help babysitters and parents coordinate their schedules to find optimal times for babysitting jobs. Our site allows for two type of users - parents and babysitters - who will each see a different view of the site. Parents can use the site to specify times that they'd like a sitter, and babysitters can use the site to advertise their schedule and look for jobs.
- You're a babysitter. You are willing to babysit between 6pm and midnight most days, but you are going to a party this Friday and you have a test on Wednesday you want to spend some time studying for. Update your schedule accordingly.
- You're a babysitter for the Edwards family. You've forgotten when their daughter Katy is supposed to go to sleep. Look up this information.
- You want to hire a sitter for Friday 7-10PM. Find out if any of your babysitters are free for that timeblock and make a job posting for it.
- You want to hire a stieer for Friday March 22, 7-10PM. Your preference order for Sitters is Dana>Bob>Emily>Alice>Charlie. Find out if a sitter you like is free for that timeblock.
User Interface Design 2.0
(pictures and some description go here)
- You want to hire a sitter for a date night sometime in the next two weeks. which will last 3 hours. You prefer Friday nights anytime between 7-12. but would also be willing ot do Thursdays or Saturdays 7-12.
- You're a babysitter. You are willing to babysit between 6pm and midnight most days, but you are going to a party this Friday and you have a test on Wednesday you want to spend some time studying for. Update your schedule accordingly.
- You're a babysitter and you want to find some work for this week. Find a job which fits your schedule and apply for it.
- Try to combine babysitter schedule editing / jobviewing calendar screen
- Make it pretty
Feedback from presentation and our responses
- Is there a feature to look up the job you're currently working?
- It would be useful to have more labels on the columns
- We are already planning to add times along the side
- We should label the colors we're using - on the paper prototype it's difficult to to tell which colors mean what
- Maybe we could make the colors of the babysitter's schedule pastel to differentiate them from jobs
- We could color-code the family names on the side to match