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CVXOPT requires Python 2.7 equipped with various packages for linear algebra, including Numpy and Scipy. If you know what you're doing and already have Python2.7 installed with Numpy and Scipy, you can skip this step.
Otherwise, please build CVXOPT from source.
- Check to make sure you have the gcc compiler by opening a terminal and typing
If you get a "no input files" type error, you're great. Go to next step. If you get a "command not found" type error, you don't have the GCC compiler and need to install it. This is generally a good idea anyway. If you know what you're doing, feel free to download the GCC compiler via HomeBrew or some other method. Otherwise:$ gcc
- If you have OS X 10.6...
- Go to Github here: https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer
- About halfway down the page is a pkg installer called: OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: GCC-10.6.pkg Select it and install the GCC compiler as you would any other program
- If you have OS X 10.7, you have two options:
- Go to the github site: https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer
- About halfway down the page is a pkg installer for OS X 10.7 Lion: GCC-10.7.pkg Select it and install the GCC compiler as you would any other program.
- Alternatively, you can go to to https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ to upgrade to/download the latest version of Xcode
- Open Xcode
- Go to the Menu Xcode -> Preferences and Select the Downloads Tab. Inside the Downloads Tab, install "Command Line Tools."
- If you have OS X 10.8, you have two options:
- (Preferred) Follow the instructions under 10.7 that downloads the latest version of XCode.
- (Untested) Download and use the 10.7 pkg installer from GitHub. Some forums on the internet seem to suggest this will work, but it is untested. Follow this route at your own risk.
- Regardless of which route you follow, once you've installed the GCC Compiler, open a NEW terminal, and try running GCC again.
- If you have OS X 10.6...
- If you downloaded the EPD version of Python described above, Continue to Step 34.
- If you are using a different version of python, you must ensure your python installation includes all the requisite dependencies listed here . As far as we currently know, it is sufficient to have built numpy and scipy from source.
- Download the gzipped tar file
- Unpack it somewhere convenient. You will want to remember where this folder is as all the examples and documentation will be kept here.
- Once it has unpacked, from a terminal go to <your folder>/src
- Run the command: python setup.py install --user
- If you were one of the people who changed their default version of python back to something non-EPD, include the full path in this last command, i.e.:
<Path to EPD Python Installation>/python setup.py install --user
- If you were one of the people who changed their default version of python back to something non-EPD, include the full path in this last command, i.e.: