April 27 update
- We have 2 new Kindles & 2 Color Nooks, and new cases that hold the power cords.
- They will continue to be loaned only from Hayden and not other desks.
- The Music Library is loaning a new iPad (purchased from their own funds) and they'll be the only desk to deal with iPads for now. (they have cascaded their old one internally to one of their own staff)
- I gave the new devices to Maria today and Ben A. is working on the catalog records for them. She'll work with him on the details of processing them, getting barcodes, property tags, etc.
- The old Kindles will be removed:
- one was stolen (from Maria's desk)
- one stopped working (I have that one in my file cabinet)
- one is still circulating (but will be swapped for a new one when it's returned)
- I still need to write up the little card inserts to include with them and I'll do that in the week of May 16, when I'm back from vacation. Those will have a few tips and a link to our E-Reading FAQ online.
- Stephanie will be drafting a story about this loan program for the news blog.
- The devices contain only public domain titles (and a few titles that MIT Press is making freely available) and I met with Ellen to go over the license agreements for Amazon and Barnes & Noble. So that's all set. I've also updated Steve about it.
- I will set up a small training session in late May for a few of us in Barker, so that once every few months we can borrow them ourselves and do a little maintenance, upgrades, etc. (taking the burden off circ staff)
So that's where we are! Hopefully by (or before) the end of May these new devices will be in circulation.
Meeting notes: April 11
To do:
- Nicole talk to Nina/Beth about cataloging records for them (and processing, labels, etc.),
also is the loan period 1 week? if so, let's keep that the same
- Stephanie: look into secure location, what is normal replacement fee?
- Nicole: make checklist for quarterly maintenance & train UX staff
- Nicole: make card insert for each device: URL for help, what's on it (public domain), hooked up to MIT Libraries account and don't change)
- Nicole: look into better cases for the Nooks that can hold the power cords
- Stephanie: draft blog story, think about when to Twitter, etc., draft message for all-lib about it
- evaluating the program: Dec. 1, 2011 (but if new device comes out before then, consider adding one)
- check in with each other about the above tasks: Thurs. April 21