Heather had communicated she had a prior commitment and was unable to attend.
Tasklist |
|| Completed || Priority || Locked || CreatedDate || CompletedDate || Assignee || Name || |F|M|F|1269356543241| F | M | F | 1269356543241 | | bskinner@mit.edu | Blake to produce updated Base VM - Thu 4/1 | |F|M|F|1269356597196| F | M | F | 1269356597196 | | bbulmer@mit.edu | Brian to make Admin Staff VM - Thu 4/8 | |F|M|F|1269356489901| F | M | F | 1269356489901 | | bblumer@mit.edu | Brian to send Blake the Security Policy - Fri 3/19 | | F | M | F | 1269356573779 | | F|M|F|1269356573779| |jmhunt@mit.edu | Jon to make Student VM - Thu 4/8| |F|M|F|1269357442722| |jmhunt@mit.edu|Blake to explore Mirroring My Documents and Desktop on Windows host under VMware Workstation| |T|M|F|1269358072290|1269524564526|lmrobin@mit.edu|Lisa to send Blake url (placeholder) for Base VM launch page - asap| |T|M|F|1269358110820|1269358119714|jmhunt@mit.edu|Jon to send Meeting Minutes| |F|M|F|1269358117808| |jmhunt@mit.edu|Jon to schedule next meeting| |
Thanks to OIS, we have a working large file download server that we can leverage to deploy the VMs. https://downlaodsdownloads.mit.edu/ We can leverage access limitations using MIT Certificates based on the standard user, group, or MIT and the new feature is also to be able to limit access based on affiliation: student, staff (including faculty) and affiliate. Patrick and Jon have the details on configuring this, but it is very similar to the standard .htaccess.mit configuration.
Decided to use Drupal to host the starting page because it will keep a more consistent look and feel for the pages they would link to from there. Lisa will get the url to Blake for the base image.
Decided to use single disk file rather than the 2GB snippets.
No major concerns from Help Desk regarding support, but they want the documentation in place sooner rather than later.
Prefer for distribution to have a stub page before the Admin VM that provides the warnings and sets expectations.
We brainstormed a list of documentation that needs to be generated.
Will need to coordinate with Heather on a plan.