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Team Calendars
titleWana for APS

Ordered list of goals leading to publication of W (and Z?)


from pp500 STAR data from Run 9


Goal 1


: Release the plot with Jacobian peak for Ws with yield on the Y-axis.

DetailsKey decisions

  • use 'best' 80% of STAR dataxxxx

List of task, TBD: assigned man power, statusdead lines

  1. BTOW
    1. relative gains
    2. absolute gains + uncertainty
  2. tune W-algo
    1. find optimal working point for cuts
    2. evaluate stability of W yield vs. cut changes
    3. uniformity of W yield vs.
      1. time, also time-in-fill
      2. bXing, ratio per reconstructed vertex
      3. eta-phi (low/high pileup fills, beam background signature)
  3. identify cosmic events in final event sample
  4. visual inspection of all events identified as Ws (Lego plot of all detector layers)
  5. Simulations
    1. Vet algo MC/Data
    2. estimate efficiency of W-algo as used
    3. Background model for what's under the Jacobian peak
    for now empty, all tasks are listed in the section below


Goal 2: PRL paper #1

Title: First Observation of W boson production in polarized proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=500 GeV


  1. we aim to circulate draft in spin PWG ASAP
  2. we will use only BTOW, TPC, perhaps ETOW for away ET veto. BSMD will not be used.
  3. no reason to request another production for this publicationpaper #1
  4. Z's (if confirmed) will not be included in this paper #1. BTW, the same holds if Z-signal is not confirmed.


List of task, TBD: assigned man power, status
(Note, some of those tasks are needed for Goal 1 and should be moved to the upper section)

  1. STAR
    1. BTOW
      1. relative gains
      2. absolute gains + uncertainty
      3. Evaluate improvement in ET of 2x2/3x3 clustering vs. QCD-background rejection
    2. TPC
      1. identify reason for inefficiency at eta~0, but no replay of BFC
      2. compare TPC track position accuracy data/MC
    3. Vertex finder (PPV) vetting/debugging
      1. Q: is 3cm accuracy enough for x-section paper?
      2. acceptance correction when triggered on L2W trigger
    4. Trigger
      1. relative spin dependent lumi (based on BHT3 in muDst), QA
      2. absolute cross section from BHT3
        1. determine BHT3 cross section from Vernier scan
        2. estimate error, beam background contribution to BHT3 X-section
      3. vet BHT3 & BBC abs X-section previously used in STAR
      4. spin bits or bXing --> spin pattern mapping
    5. VPD ZDC local polarimeter
      1. magnitude non longitudinal beam polarization
    6. Simulations
      1. Vet MC/Data
      2. efficiency of W-algo used
      W-algo evaluation
        Background model for what's under the Jacobian peak
      1. acceptance corrections (will need input from TPC track position accuracy)
  2. RHIC Polarization
    1. pol pattern per fill
    2. CNI Polarization values, QA
  3. Theory
    1. get calculation done for our bins
    2. vary input PDFs, average sign
    3. effect of non longitudinal beam polarization
  4. Organization
    1. refine this list
    2. assemble .tex files with outline of the paper


Goal 3: PRL paper #2

Title: ... TBD...


data shown


  • ration ratio of x-section(W-)/W+
  • AL(W+), AL(W-)
  • (if found) Z x-section
    describe -Describe charge sign discrimination technique (vertex+TPC+BSMD point)
    implication -Implication of x-section results in leading order interpretation


  1. ratio of x-section W+/W- vs. ET
  2. AL(W+), AL(W-), overlay theory
  3. Z-event example: Lego-plot with detector response

Key decisions

  1. draft of paper #1 will be available in few months
  2. new data production w/ improved TPC & vertex is desired
  3. we will use BSMD fro for e+/e- --> requires new tracking afterburner
  4. ...


  1. do we need more filtered M-C QCD events for better background estimation for Zs ?
  2. do we see Zs in the Endcap?
    ... (One leg with good track in the barrel, another w/o track in the endcap.)

List of task, TBD: assigned man power, status
( only those not mentioned in goal 1 or 2)

  1. attempt e+/e- discrimination based on SL09b production
  2. improve TPC calibration 'by 1 notch'
  3. identify & correct reason for missing track at mid rapidity
  4. evaluate accuracy of the beam line constrain
  5. request new production
  6. (if needed) run ~4x more filtered QCD background events for better estimation of background for Zs (also y2009 geometry may be now better)...